Jason Addy Admin

Join Date: Sep 27, 2023

Location: Not Specified

Contribution Points: 66

Bulletins: 7
(6 points each)
Photos: 12
(2 points each)

Recent Contributions

Falls Main

Road was being used for logging in the past year or two, but the alders are taking over. We biked way up 850m and was fine for bikes. Impassable after...

Jason Addy - Jul 20, 2024
Walt Lake FSR

Steep and loose road for about 2.2km, then have to park if you make it this far. I walked from bottom.

Jason Addy - Jul 07, 2024
Alpine Main

Many small cross ditches. Fairly washed out and steep just above hairpin turn at 950m. Big Hemlock completely across the road at around 1180m. shallow...

Jason Addy - Feb 04, 2024
J Branch

Good condition. Active logging in 2023 has improved road condition. Drove to about 4km. Parked at old Mount Freda Trailhead (2.5km).

Jason Addy - Dec 17, 2023
Goat Lake Branch 2

Road was heavily cross ditched and washed out. Bit of shrubs starting to grow in too. We pushed our bikes up 5km. On the way out we could ride our mou...

Jason Addy - Oct 22, 2023
Goat Lake Branch 1

In good shape. 4wd access up to GL1A. Then starts to be impassable. Overgrown with small amounts of windfall. With not too much effort could be cleare...

Jason Addy - Oct 07, 2023
Beartooth Mainline

Road was in great shape for bicycling up to 6km. Was used for logging in 2022. Can only be accessed from a dock on the the lake so no vehicle access.

Jason Addy - Sep 25, 2022