Chilliwack Natural Resource District
Road Details
Location | WRAY CREEK |
Length | 7.97km |
Condition |
0.0km to 1.0 km | Good Condition 12d ago |
1.0 km to 3.7 km | Somewhat Degraded 12d ago |
3.7 km to 8.0 km | Impassable 12d ago |
Owner | District Manager Chilliwack (dck) |
Closures | No Posted Closures |
Waypoints | Download GPX |
Road Description
No description.
Road Bulletins
Mostly good condition to 2.5km. Many small, but steep waterbars with humps before and after required careful driving in my SX4. At 2.5km, Wray Creek FSR continues in similar condition. After 2.5km, Berkey becomes smoother, but with some small plants growing in the middle strip of the road. There's a boulder blocking Berkey at about 3.75km. If the boulder gets removed, the road would be drivable to a washout at about 4.75km. From 3.75km, there was just enough snow to ski up and down. There are some alders, but nothing too annoying for skiing or hiking until 5.75km. From there, Berkey 5800 continues in similar condition, but Berkey becomes an alder jungle.