Walt Lake Road - Bulletin
Joel Nordman reported on: Jul 16, 2022
Furthest location before quad bridge
Walt Lake Road - Steep and brushed in to ~1.5km. Quad bridges installed from here.
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Thanks the update, added in a bridge out icon and updated the road name as well!
Hey Joel, I realized there is a road that goes almost to the Walt Lake that hadn't been drawn in. I've added it here: https://roadstatus.searchthesummits.com/road/ften-1415207
Is that the road you're referring too in the above report?
Joel Nordman - 370d
No, this new road isn't used for Walt Lake or Ridge access. The one I used was correct.
Sorry, I linked the wrong road. This is the new on I drew in https://roadstatus.searchthesummits.com/road/sra-65ea0040d63ae17f138ec1bf
Joel Nordman - 367d
Looks right :)