Francis Bailey Admin

Join Date: Sep 23, 2023

Location: Vancouver, BC

Contribution Points: 1640

Bulletins: 187
(6 points each)
Photos: 259
(2 points each)

Recent Contributions

King Creek FSR

Steep and most likely requires a 4x4 vehicle to get to the top, but generally in good condition. One section is slightly washing out, but a lower clea...

Francis Bailey - Sep 15, 2024
Cyrtina Creek Spur

Road is just a single track trail used to access the Mountain Lake Hut area. Great condition for going on foot

Francis Bailey - Sep 08, 2024

Great condition until the last 200m up to Cyrtina Creek after which there's some large water bars. The bridge is out of Cyrtina and the road narrows t...

Francis Bailey - Sep 08, 2024

Only drove the first kilometre or so. There’s a large staging area to camp and the road appears in good condition further on

Francis Bailey - Sep 01, 2024
East Hurley River FSR

Easy driving albeit lots of pot holes

Francis Bailey - Aug 23, 2024

This is more of a skidder road than a driving one. Bridge is out anyways so you won’t be able to drive it but it’s easy walking

Francis Bailey - Aug 25, 2024
Noel Creek West Branch

Great condition the very end. We drove the to km 13 and then walked back from the end after looping around the ridge line. A few water bars but no rea...

Francis Bailey - Aug 25, 2024
Noel Creek FSR

Great condition up to the west Noel branch after which the road is impassible. One or two water bars but you just need a bit of clearance

Francis Bailey - Aug 25, 2024

Steep with sharp loose rocks, but no waterbars and no issue whatsoever in a truck. There were 10 vehicles parked up there today, so lots of people are...

Francis Bailey - Aug 17, 2024
Mamquam South Mainline

Decent condition up to the E-Main/E-100 turn off. Afterwards the road closes in and looks quite narrow

Francis Bailey - Aug 17, 2024
Mamquam FSR

Busy but in good condition. They are watering the roads up to the Ray Basin FSR at the 7km mark. Afterwards it's exceptionally dusty

Francis Bailey - Aug 17, 2024
Nogwon Fire Break Road

Road is deactivated right at the beginning and blocked with a huge debris pile and ditch. Nonetheless it’s super straightforward to walk and takes you...

Francis Bailey - Aug 13, 2024
C4447 SPUR 1

Lots of bumps and pot holes but good condition overall. Active logging ongoing but no one around when we drove in mid week

Francis Bailey - Aug 12, 2024
Big Stick FSR

Quite a few potholes but generally easy driving with most vehicles

Francis Bailey - Aug 12, 2024

Easy travel to Clayton Falls

Francis Bailey - Aug 12, 2024

Road has quite a few loose rocks and water bars, which are super easy in a truck but would probably be a show stopper for a low clearance car. Cross T...

Francis Bailey - Aug 12, 2024
Hell Raving Creek FSR

Active hauling coming out of here for fire salvage logging. Road appears to be in good condition. One could bushwhack into Nirvana Pass from here

Francis Bailey - Aug 11, 2024
Bluff Lake Road

Great condition as expected since it services a number homes and White Saddle Air. Active hauling is occurring down this road from Hell Raving Creek

Francis Bailey - Aug 11, 2024

Completely overgrown

Francis Bailey - Jul 27, 2024

Road is blocked just after the bridge but that’s to put in brand new culverts. I expect the road to be fully drive able in the next week or so. It’s b...

Francis Bailey - Jul 27, 2024
Kookipi West 400

Drove again a second time in one week… the road has been fixed up even further and is in 2wd condition (if you can get there)

Francis Bailey - Jul 27, 2024
Harrison East FSR

Highway condition until Clear Creek after which there's loads of pot holes and rough sections.

Francis Bailey - Jul 20, 2024

Brand new road accessing a cutblock on the east side

Francis Bailey - Jul 20, 2024
Kookipi West 400

This road appears to be actively getting repaired or just recently repaired. Some heavy machinery on the road and I wouldn't count on it being open on...

Francis Bailey - Jul 20, 2024
Kookipi Creek FSR

I drove in from Shovel Creek/Harrison side. A few sections where water is washing out the road and pooling. Also a fair amount of pin striping and gen...

Francis Bailey - Jul 20, 2024
Shovel Creek FSR

The washouts previously reported at around km 58 have been repaired and it's clear some machinery has been through to fix up some other spots. With th...

Francis Bailey - Jul 20, 2024

Decent conditions up to the Tyaughton Creek trailhead, but the road gets more worn down after that. Lot's of deep mud ruts pot holes and some tall veg...

Francis Bailey - Jul 13, 2024

Great condition up to the Mud-Paradise junction at 29.5km

Francis Bailey - Jul 13, 2024

Only drove from the Tyaughton Lake road junction to Mud Creek, but it was in great condition. Some cattle on the road to be mindful of.

Francis Bailey - Jul 13, 2024
Tyaughton Lake Road

Maintained road with frequent water truck applications as well to keep the dust down. I don't see this getting degraded ever

Francis Bailey - Jul 14, 2024
Hurley River North FSR

Major washboarding on the way into Gold Bridge, but otherwise good condition. Be prepared for your teeth to rattle in the final few kilometers

Francis Bailey - Jul 14, 2024

In amazing condition right now. Much better than the last time I drove, it was a bonafide highway.

Francis Bailey - Jul 14, 2024
Sts'ailes West FSR

Drove this road end to end from north to south. The northern portion from Tipella Creek to Bremner is pretty crap for a mainline road. There are numer...

Francis Bailey - Jul 14, 2024
Mystery Creek Branch 8100

Same shape as Heath's report. We decided to bike in just before the huge, partially filled in, ravine. Worth it to save the truck for another mission

Francis Bailey - Jul 14, 2024
Chehalis-Mystery FSR

Still in fantastic shape as per Heath's report although we only drove to the 8km mark

Francis Bailey - Jul 14, 2024
Eagle Creek FSR

The road is in the same state as I reported last time only this time we did the last portion without snow cover. The final stretch after ~3.75km (wher...

Francis Bailey - Jul 14, 2024
Hurley River North FSR

Great condition the whole way and no major potholes or washboarding to deal with on this particular trip

Francis Bailey - Jun 23, 2024
Roxey Creek FSR

This area has been heavily burned out from the Gun Creek Fire last year and the start of the road is quite degraded. I only drove up to the closure si...

Francis Bailey - Jun 22, 2024
Slim 2000

Bridge is in over the unnamed creek at 500m. The road gets quickly overgrown after that. A TLH heli fuel tank exists at the driveable end. This seems ...

Francis Bailey - Jun 23, 2024
Slim Creek FSR

Good condition up to the bridge but did not drive beyond that. Some sections of road are bumpier around the gun creek fire zone but doable in a normal...

Francis Bailey - Jun 23, 2024

The road is totally blocked off

Francis Bailey - Jun 15, 2024
Gott Creek FSR

Driveable to the 5.2km mark where an unnamed creek has washed out a fair bit of the road. It appears that some work has been done to get ATVs over and...

Francis Bailey - Jun 15, 2024

A few water bars to contend with and one section were the road has begun to wash away a bit, but other wise the road bed is intact and in great shape....

Francis Bailey - Jun 15, 2024

Just drove the first 500m. In great condition overall with a bit of vegetation encroachment

Francis Bailey - Jun 15, 2024
Seton-Retask Road

Great condition to the 9km mark. I agree with Mike, the road is narrow in sections and a few spots would benefit from some clearance but overall I thi...

Francis Bailey - Jun 15, 2024
Boulder Creek FSR

There is a massive rock slide or blockade almost immediately off the highway. Too big for any vehicle, but a dirt bike or e-bike could bypass it. I ca...

Francis Bailey - Jun 15, 2024
Thornhill Creek FSR

The whole valley appears to be massively overgrown

Francis Bailey - Jun 08, 2024
Rainy River Branch 5

Bridge is in and the road looked to be in good condition but did not explore much further beyond

Francis Bailey - Jun 08, 2024
Rainy River FSR

Road is in good condition up to branch 4

Francis Bailey - Jun 08, 2024
Rainy River Branch 4

The road is in the same condition as Sean’s last report. An especially good 4x4 could get through the first ditch after the pit, but the bridge is out...

Francis Bailey - Jun 08, 2024
Diamond Head Road

Snow free up to the parking lot. Snow started in earnest above 1300m

Francis Bailey - Jun 06, 2024
West Bay FSR

I thought this trail might be in good shape for biking as it’s an old skid road/newer atv track but it was completely riddled with dead fall. Not poss...

Francis Bailey - May 11, 2024

This appears to be an old logging road branch but it’s degraded down to an old atv track now. Lots of deadfall

Francis Bailey - May 11, 2024

Only the first kilometre from Andy Bay Main would be drivable after that the road is washed out and overgrown. It’s still easily walked or biked up to...

Francis Bailey - May 11, 2024

Road is heavily overgrown, but passable with sufficient snow cover on skies or snowshoes

Francis Bailey - Mar 18, 2023
Downing West Main

Forgot to add. Bridge is in over Downing Creek

Francis Bailey - May 02, 2024

The lower section of this road appears to be re-activated but I did not go explore it. Likely servicing the cut block at the first switch back

Francis Bailey - May 02, 2024
Downing West Branch 3

Less degraded then the remainder of Downing West but still heavily overgrown. Snow started around 800m

Francis Bailey - May 02, 2024
Downing West Branch 2

Completely overgrown, may be walkable on foot with heavy bushwhacking

Francis Bailey - May 02, 2024
Downing West Main

In perfect condition up the 1.3km mark where they’ve reactivated the road. After that there’s a washout and the road is overgrown. Someone has spent a...

Francis Bailey - May 02, 2024

This road seems basically brand new. Better condition than furry creek even!

Francis Bailey - May 02, 2024

Great condition up the F-805 Branch. No snow. One sort of rough spot at around 2km that might trip up something like a Honda civic but otherwise 2WD c...

Francis Bailey - May 02, 2024

Driveable to about 1000m and then deep icy snow exists beyond. Some rough sections but nothing a 4wd can't really handle.

Francis Bailey - Apr 18, 2024
Wedge Creek Lower Pipeline Road

We went to check this road out above the Wedgemount Lake trail head to see how far it could take us. There are a set of boulders blocking the road, bu...

Francis Bailey - Apr 18, 2024

No snow and the road has some ruts but virtually any vehicle can get to the Wedgemount Lake trailhead

Francis Bailey - Apr 18, 2024
Phelix Creek Branch 3

Short but usable spur road for about 750m, after which a small landslide has blocked the road. You'd only get a few hundred meters further anyways as ...

Francis Bailey - Apr 14, 2024

Did not drive this road but I could see the snow line was around 1100m

Francis Bailey - Apr 14, 2024
Phelix Creek FSR

Snow line starts at around 1100m. That translates to 3km down the road but you could drive through a few of the patches until the 3.5km mark if you ha...

Francis Bailey - Apr 14, 2024
Blackwater Creek FSR

Snow free and in great condition. Albeit a little rutted out in sections. No issues getting to Phelix Creek

Francis Bailey - Apr 14, 2024

Good condition, but a metric tonne of pot holes around the Skookumchuck area. West Lillooet is much smoother if you’re just driving through

Francis Bailey - Apr 06, 2024
Lillooet West FSR

Excellent condition the whole way. More curves than In-Shuck-Ch but very smooth surface

Francis Bailey - Apr 06, 2024

Basically a brand new road. We ran into a fair bit of deadfall but managed to cut through it. Snow started around 800m and was around 30-40cm deep. St...

Francis Bailey - Apr 06, 2024

Great condition, but only drove to the 1km mark before starting up the next spur

Francis Bailey - Apr 06, 2024
Fire Lake FSR

Lots of recent logging activity up to the 6km mark. Road was in great condition but there was a sign stating the bridge at 10km would be out temporari...

Francis Bailey - Apr 06, 2024

Completely overgrown from just 20m after the start. Still walkable to some extent but there’s significant pull down/slope sheering after the first swi...

Francis Bailey - Mar 29, 2024
North Lizze Mainline

The road is in pretty good condition up until the 5km mark after which there’s a fair bit of rockfall blocking the road. One could presumably remove i...

Francis Bailey - Mar 29, 2024

Bridge is in, but I didn't go beyond the turn off for RN1000

Francis Bailey - Mar 29, 2024

A few rough rocky spots, but the road is otherwise in good shape. There's a locked gate at ~2km (4km from Pemberton Valley Road) that states no motor ...

Francis Bailey - Mar 29, 2024
Old Miller Creek FSR

Old road that is now blockaded and does not appear accessible at the end anyhow

Francis Bailey - Mar 29, 2024
Ryan River FSR

Drove up to just behind 7km. The road is in 2wd condition up until the 5km mark. Afterwards there are a few small washouts/trenches that will necessit...

Francis Bailey - Mar 29, 2024
Miller Creek FSR

Road is gated just 1km. Looking at maps/satellite there doesn’t appear to be a way to get around it either.

Francis Bailey - Mar 29, 2024
Shovelnose Creek FSR

Snow starts at around 720m although there's two large patches lower down that I was able to push through. The road is melting out fast though!

Francis Bailey - Mar 24, 2024
Squamish River FSR

Recently graded and in perfect condition up to Shovelnose Creek

Francis Bailey - Mar 24, 2024
Second Creek FSR

Bridge is out and road looks to have pulled down quite a bit. Visible from the approach to rambles

Francis Bailey - Mar 10, 2024
Hat Creek Road

Drove in from Highway 1 all the way up to the start of Oregon Jack park. Some snow on the road, but all melted out when we left in the afternoon. Easy...

Francis Bailey - Mar 09, 2024
40-5, AMD 19

Very overgrown but passable with a deep enough snow pack

Francis Bailey - Mar 02, 2024
Izman Creek FSR

The road was covered in snow from the start but we didn’t note any abnormalities under the snow pack. It didn’t appear too overgrown and there were ju...

Francis Bailey - Mar 02, 2024
Botanie Creek Road

Plowed up to the recreation site at the lake and easily driven by 2WD. This road serves all the residential houses along the valley but just happens t...

Francis Bailey - Mar 02, 2024
Fountain Valley 5

We only drove up a hundred meters or so, but the road looks in great condition down the power lines.

Francis Bailey - Feb 24, 2024
Town Creek FSR

Road was gated at the beginning and that appears to be the case for almost anyone taking this route. The road seemed driveable until a pull down aroun...

Francis Bailey - Feb 09, 2023
Pink Mountain FSR

[From Robert Hergott] - Roads were in great condition, light traffic, and with low snow levels, we made it to about 1 km from the repeater station at ...

Francis Bailey - Feb 04, 2024
Eagle Creek FSR

We only drove until the snow line at around 1.2km, but the road bed appears intact/driveable until the first washout around the 3.5km mark. Numerous h...

Francis Bailey - Feb 19, 2024
Mystery Creek Branch 8100

Branch 8100 had a few challenges that could be worked around with a high clearance 4x4. First a downed tree that we were able to chainsaw and clear ou...

Francis Bailey - Feb 19, 2024
Chehalis-Mystery FSR

Mystery Creek is in much smoother condition than Harrison West. Easily driven with a 2WD. Only drove to the turn off for Branch 8100

Francis Bailey - Feb 19, 2024
Sts'ailes West FSR

Road has a shit ton of pot holes, but it's otherwise driveable with 2WD and snow free up to the 28km mark. Did not drive beyond that

Francis Bailey - Feb 19, 2024
Twin One Creek LZ1300 Branch

Road was heavily overgrown. Only made it about 500m up.

Francis Bailey - Aug 07, 2021
Twin One Mainline

Drove all the way to the 11.7km and then went up the "LZ1300" branch. All 3 bridges were in and road condition as overall good. They appeared to be do...

Francis Bailey - Aug 07, 2021
Brandywine Creek FSR

The road is plowed until ~5.5km where the turn off for the upper spur and hiking trails are. A little icy in spots but otherwise manageable. We didn't...

Francis Bailey - Feb 10, 2024
Shovelnose Creek FSR

Snow level starts at around 800m. I didn't drive up this way but could see from our route.

Francis Bailey - Feb 10, 2024
Blue Mountain FSR

[From Oleg Kouznetsov] - easy road walking reported. However a gate at the bottom prevents any vehicle access.


Francis Bailey - Jan 31, 2024
Falls Lake Road

The road is still plowed and in great condition. Lots of ski tourers out today

Francis Bailey - Jan 21, 2024
Steep Creek FSR

We only went to the second switch back but the road was covered in at least 2 feet of snow. No major cross ditches were notable and I believe the road...

Francis Bailey - Jan 20, 2024
Steep Creek Branch 2

The road was covered in about 2 feet of snow so it’s a bit hard to tell but there was minimal brush and just a few cross ditches visible on the road. ...

Francis Bailey - Jan 20, 2024
Hope Mountain Branch 202

Completely overgrown with alders and not driveable

Francis Bailey - Dec 17, 2023
Hope Mountain Branch 100

Drive-able until just past the first switch back. A few deep water bars that we could see under the snow, but the road appears otherwise intact.

Francis Bailey - Dec 17, 2023
E-200 Branch

The bridge over Elaho River is in. We only drove a short ways past it as it was too snowy. Seems to be active for logging still

Francis Bailey - Dec 16, 2023
Elaho Main

Drove about 1km past the E-200 branch. Snow starts immediately after the bridge and the road is not plowed. However, most of the snow is melted out. W...

Francis Bailey - Dec 16, 2023
Shovelnose Creek FSR

Snow started around 400m, and we were able to drive up to ~650m with chains on.

Francis Bailey - Dec 16, 2023
Squamish River FSR

Drove all the way to Elaho mainline. The road has been plowed and there’s only a few slushy sections, but otherwise 2WD

Francis Bailey - Dec 16, 2023
Statlu Creek FSR

Drove up to the Branch 7300/South Statlu FSR turn off at ~7.5km. There was an old layer of snow on the road, but tire tracks were down to bare rock an...

Francis Bailey - Dec 12, 2023
Statlu Peak East FSR

Long since deactivated road. It's heavily choked up with alders and not worth walking. Thankfully the flanks of the road have pruned second growth and...

Francis Bailey - Dec 12, 2023
Statlu Creek Branch 1000

We only walked a small part of this spur but we could see the entire thing as we walked through the cut block. There's a few water bars but it's other...

Francis Bailey - Dec 12, 2023
Chehalis FSR

Minimal to no snow up to the Statlu Creek turn off at 15km

Francis Bailey - Dec 12, 2023
South Statlu FSR

Only drove the 1km mark and then walked another 1.5km. However, the road looks in good condition further beyond. We stopped as weren't sure how icy th...

Francis Bailey - Dec 12, 2023
Sloquet Creek Main

We were able to drive the ~11.7km mark where we parked before heading up to the Fire Spires. There was a bunch of logging occurring on the upper slope...

Francis Bailey - May 21, 2022
South Spencer Road

This road has since been repaired, but I just wanted to include the massive washout we encountered when attempting to drive into the Kwioek Creek area...

Francis Bailey - Jul 30, 2022
Soo River Branch 5

A logging crew had plowed the road up to the 2km mark for their heli operation. The road beyond had around 20-30cm of snow. With chains you may be abl...

Francis Bailey - Dec 02, 2023
Soo River FSR

There was about a foot of snow on the way in this morning, but after a kilometre in the road was suddenly plowed. We drove all the way to Branch 5 whe...

Francis Bailey - Dec 02, 2023
New Borden FSR

As mentioned in other bulletins on Borden FSR, there's a large section of road that has washed away down a steep embankment. It's around 650m in eleva...

Francis Bailey - Nov 29, 2023
Borden Creek Branch 4

Walked past this road on the way to Mount Mcguire and it appears the bridge is out and the road is impassible.

Francis Bailey - Nov 29, 2023
Borden Creek FSR

Drove as far as the washed out bridge at the 8km mark (~3.5km from the New Bordern FSR junction). The 4x4 bypass still look feasible, however there wa...

Francis Bailey - Nov 29, 2023
Anderson River South FSR

Much of the road bed is in okay shape and is atleast bikeable, but there are numerous washouts/impasses (at least 3) along the way and several very ov...

Francis Bailey - Aug 12, 2023
Eight Mile Creek Branch 17

Only driveable to the creek after which the bridge is out

Francis Bailey - Nov 25, 2023
Eight Mile Creek FSR

We were able to drive all the way to the junction with Branch 17 (3.75km mark) in a cross trek without a issue. A few water bars required picking a go...

Francis Bailey - Nov 25, 2023
Seven Mile Creek FSR

We were able to drive about 2km up before hitting snow. After this point we walked, but the road appeared driveable until the creek crossing just befo...

Francis Bailey - May 11, 2021
Mamquam E-100

[From Graham Snowfield] - Quick update to let others know the top of E-100 off Mamquam is still being actively logged. Road is in great condition and ...

Francis Bailey - Nov 03, 2023
Monastic Peak SL6B Spur

Very overgrown with alder in the lower section and then chocked full of deadfall higher up. It's better to stick to the forest for the lower section a...

Francis Bailey - Mar 27, 2021
Downton Creek FSR

As Sean, mentioned the road is in overall great shape, although I only drove as far as the Mount Seton trailhead.

Francis Bailey - Oct 22, 2023
Williamson Lake FSR

I found the road was in rough shape with a few very deep and narrow cross ditches that were impossible to avoid scraping on. Higher up I had to park a...

Francis Bailey - Jul 09, 2022
Foley Creek FSR

There are numerous massive cross ditches to drive through and a narrow off-camber section above Foley Lake. All still doable in a 4x4 but high clearan...

Francis Bailey - Jul 09, 2023
Squamish River FSR

The road has apparently been repaired now, according to the latest update on:

Francis Bailey - Oct 25, 2023
Blowdown Pass Connector

The lower section is extremely grown in and you are all but certain to get pin striping here. There are only a handful of spots where you can pull ove...

Francis Bailey - Sep 09, 2023
Blowdown Creek FSR

Road is in great condition except for the last ~300m where some avalanche debris has scoured the road. 4WD can easily make it through this, but lower ...

Francis Bailey - Oct 09, 2023
Rutherford Creek 47-2 Spur

There’s a decent washout almost immediately from the start and a very large water bar. I was able to drive beyond that in a Tacoma and get another 500...

Francis Bailey - Oct 21, 2023
Rutherford Creek West FSR

We only drove the short section to the 47-2 Spur but it was in great condition

Francis Bailey - Oct 21, 2023
Rutherford Creek FSR

The road was in great condition all the way to the 16km where we turned off. A few deep pot holes but I don’t see many vehicles having issues. Not aff...

Francis Bailey - Oct 21, 2023
Pokosha Creek FSR

Road is overgrown but still pleasant to walk on. No more vehicle access since the bridge over Pokosha creek is now out

Francis Bailey - Jun 19, 2021
Squamish River FSR

Squamish River FSR closed at 21km due to washout. Expected reopening October 24th, 2023. See:

Francis Bailey - Oct 16, 2023
Mount 7 Upper Spur

The upper spur was heavily degraded, but still doable in a stock tacoma. We found a massive puddle that would pose a hydro-locking risk for lower clea...

Francis Bailey - Jul 13, 2021
Taylor River Area TA568D Spur

Road was in great condition for a truck, but we encountered a massive piece of deadfall running across the road. There was just enough space for truck...

Francis Bailey - Jul 09, 2021
Anderson River E400 Spur

Incredibly overgrown and chocked full of alders. It's still walkable, but not driveable whatsoever.

Francis Bailey - Aug 12, 2023
Alouette Lake Access Spur

There are two gates about 10m apart blocking access to this road, but if you could get past those the road is in immaculate condition.

Francis Bailey - Oct 12, 2023
Florence Lake FSR

Drove all the way to the gate that Chris mentioned and I can confirm it's still there. I happened to drive in right before the Pomerlau team arrived a...

Francis Bailey - Oct 12, 2023
Prospect Miner A Branch

The road is in good condition according to Lloyd of SWBC Peak Baggers, but the bridge across Prospect Creek is completely washed out. There appears to...

Francis Bailey - Oct 04, 2023
Prospect Creek FSR

Reposting from SWBC PeakBaggers. [Lloyd] drove to the major washout at km 24 (likely on Prospector Miner A) and then took e-bikes for 15-17km up to Li...

Francis Bailey - Oct 05, 2023
King Creek FSR

Reposted with permission from Melanie: "FSR is in good shape, my Homer (aka Rav 4 with hitch) made it up no problem. Bit loose, I added a pic for the ...

Francis Bailey - Jul 22, 2023
Monastic Peak FSR

The water bars for this road were just a touch too deep for my honda civic, but any 4WD vehicle could have made it easily. We walked the entirety of t...

Francis Bailey - Mar 27, 2021
Murdo Creek ES103A Spur

Walked a portion of this on our way to Murdo Peak. The upper sections had massive water bars. A group of 4x4 drivers ended up driving all the way to t...

Francis Bailey - Nov 14, 2021
Murdo Creek Branch 4100

This whole area appears to have been recently logged and the upper sections have been deactivated with massive water bars. I only went as high up as 8...

Francis Bailey - Nov 14, 2021
Murdo FSR

Road was in good condition for 4WD and we went as far as Branch 4100 up to Murdo Peak

Francis Bailey - Nov 14, 2021
Sumas Mountain FSR

Drove this road in the late spring to access Sumas Mountain. There were few rutted sections, but the road is otherwise easily driveable in any AWD typ...

Francis Bailey - Apr 22, 2023
Bridge River FSR

Drove up to the Jamie Creek FSR turn off and found the road in perfect conditions.

Francis Bailey - Jul 21, 2022
Paradise Creek FSR

Drove up to the trail head for the Tyaughton Creek and found excellent conditions the entire way.

Francis Bailey - Sep 03, 2022
Mud Creek FSR

This road was in great condition up to the Tyaughton Creek turn off where we headed to access the Chilcotins

Francis Bailey - Sep 03, 2022
Canyon Lakes FSR

Drove all the way to the trail head parking for Little White Mountain. The road is in mostly good condition, but there were a few rough spots. A 4WD c...

Francis Bailey - Jul 22, 2023
Greyback Mountain FSR

We drove as far as the Canyon Lakes FSR and found the road in perfect condition!

Francis Bailey - Jul 22, 2023
Okanagan Falls FSR

Drove all the to the turn off for Greyback Mountain FSR and found immaculate conditions. As close to a highway as an FSR gets.

Francis Bailey - Jul 22, 2023
Talc Creek FSR

Posted on Elise's behalf: "road was unlocked and it was good up to the last little bit [before the trail up to Daiphy Lake]. [Sean] was able to drive ...

Francis Bailey - Sep 21, 2023
Hurley River North FSR

Road was in excellent condition with a few ruts/pot holes to contend with. Drove all the way to gold bridge. The fire closure has been pushed back to ...

Francis Bailey - Sep 21, 2023

Endless water bars, but driven fairly easily with a 4WD truck. Parked at the 851m mark as it was snow from that point onwards.

Francis Bailey - May 01, 2021
E-300 Branch

Encountered numerous cross-ditches higher up. High clearance 4x4 recommended. Able to drive to within a few hundred meters of the road terminus

Francis Bailey - Aug 23, 2021
Moat Creek 2000

This section of road is extremely overgrown, but the road bed underneath is largely intact. I encountered one major washout with a 4x4 bypass and then...

Francis Bailey - Jul 03, 2023
Liumchen East FSR

I was able to drive up to the 1040m mark before hitting a newly installed gate. A party had just been up there a week before and reported no gate, so ...

Francis Bailey - May 13, 2023
Buchanan Lookout FSR

Drove up in a stock F-150 with no issues. This could potentially be driven by a 2WD vehicle as well. No water bars or obstacles of note.

Francis Bailey - Oct 09, 2022
R22045.02 - Pasayten (02)

I was able to drive to the first switch back at 1850m, but did not drive any further. Some heavy equipment appeared to be blocking the road higher up....

Francis Bailey - Jun 01, 2023
R22045.01 - Pasayten (01)

I drove this entire segment in a stock tacoma without issue. Could be driven with a normal 4WD vehicle. No water bars of note.

Francis Bailey - Jun 01, 2023
Pasayten River FSR

Road was easily driveable to its terminus. Some minor rockfall to contend with. Given the remote nature and chance of deadfall, it wouldn't hurt to ha...

Francis Bailey - Jun 01, 2023
Stenson Creek FSR

We were able to drive to around 1850m in a stock F-150. I didn't want to drive any further as the vehicle was not mine. However, we only found one bad...

Francis Bailey - Oct 08, 2022
Trio Creek 3211 Spur

Road was gated, but easily driveable beyond if you could get around it.

Francis Bailey - Jun 03, 2023
Ault Lake Spur

Driveable to the very end although it’s starting to get more overgrown. Quite a few large water bars to contend with

Francis Bailey - Sep 21, 2023
Ault Creek FSR

Drove up until the Ault Lake Spur and found 30+ water bars. Many of which were deep enough to drag the hitch on my Tacoma. The road bed in between the...

Francis Bailey - Sep 21, 2023
Tamihi Creek FSR

Road is in rough shape in the latter sections with numerous water bars. There is a show stopper washout/water bar about 1km before the end. I just bar...

Francis Bailey - May 30, 2023
Centre Creek FSR

We were able to drive to the 6km mark where the road becomes washed out and overgrown. A few deep waterbars along the way, so we were happy to have a ...

Francis Bailey - Jun 11, 2023
Trio Creek WH93-1 Spur

The road was gated only 2km in and 600m elevation. We walked the rest and found the road in good condition. Higher up they're building out more roads,...

Francis Bailey - Jun 03, 2023
Trio Creek FSR

Gate was open and the road was in good condition. We were able to drive up to the "Chicken Spur" without any issues in a truck

Francis Bailey - Jun 03, 2023
Jamie Creek West Branch

The West Jamie Creek fork was in great condition until the Boralex site. Here the bridge has been removed. However, you can still find a crossing for ...

Francis Bailey - Jul 31, 2022
Jamie Creek FSR

The gate was locked as expected, but we had a dirtbike to bypass it. The upper sections of the road are in fantastic condition and if unlocked would b...

Francis Bailey - Jul 31, 2022
Green River S15 Spur

Despite the condition of the Green River FSR, the upper sections of this road are actually in quite good shape. We encountered some dead fall, but it ...

Francis Bailey - Jul 03, 2023
Slim Creek FSR

Slim Creek was in 2WD drive condition until the bridge across Slim Creek itself. After which there were numerous deep muddy sections and minor deadfal...

Francis Bailey - May 20, 2023
English Creek FSR

I only drove to the English Creek 1600 Spur turn off, but the road was in fairly good condition with some water bars to contend with. Snow free up to ...

Francis Bailey - Mar 19, 2023
English Creek 1600 Spur

Able to drive to about 1km before the road gets washed out. Mostly just water bars to contend with as the lower sections were in relatively good condi...

Francis Bailey - Mar 19, 2023
Haylmore Creek Main

This road is in great condition and appears to have had recent road work done. We drove the Barkley Valley Trail in 2WD conditions. Further beyond, we...

Francis Bailey - Aug 26, 2023
Anderson River Main

Road is impassible in the last 4-500m before the Anderson River crossing. The bridge beyond has had all slopes around it washed out. The structure sti...

Francis Bailey - Aug 12, 2023
Nesakwatch Creek FSR

The road is in great condition and easily driveable to the 5.8km mark. There is one big water bar about 2-300m before the road ends, so one could park...

Francis Bailey - Aug 03, 2023
Brandywine Creek Upper Spur

The road to the upper lot is in especially rough shape. You will almost certainly need a high clearance 4x4 as there are some massive water bars and n...

Francis Bailey - Jul 08, 2023
Skwellepil Creek FSR

The road is in pretty rough shape with a few sections of large loose rocks and wash out. I was able to drive to ~4km where a major landslide prohibite...

Francis Bailey - Jul 30, 2023
Hurley River FSR

Lots of washboards in the road from all of the traffic, but otherwise still drive-able in a 2WD

Francis Bailey - Sep 21, 2023