Harrison East FSR
Chilliwack Natural Resource District
Road Details
Location | HARRISON EAST |
Length | 57.15km |
Condition |
0.0km to 23.7 km | Good Condition 46d ago |
23.7 km to 57.2 km | Good Condition 216d ago |
Owner | District Manager Chilliwack (dck) |
Closures | No Posted Closures |
Waypoints | Download GPX |
Road Description
No description.
Road Bulletins
Snow free up to Cogburn Creek. Lots of traffic and even more potholes. Kind of a crappy drive in this condition, but hey at least it's snow free.
I drove from KM0 - KM24 or Cogburn Creek FSR. The road is in great condition. Few potholes and a bit of washboard to be expected on a road that gets this much use. Lots of traffic and cars parked to the side, some even in the middle of the road unloading at the Cogburn Beach Rec Site. Plenty of new FSR drivers south of the Rec Site. Take it slow and be cautious around the corners, especially on the weekends.
Highway condition until Clear Creek after which there's loads of pot holes and rough sections.
[From Dennis Kapitan] - road was driveable to ~58km after which the snow became too deep.
Washout appears to be resolved or fixed as 4WDABC members are regularly driving beyond this point. E.g: https://roadstatus.searchthesummits.com/road/ften-1404228#bulletin-6982f472-f929-4a38-9c5f-93869b2574b0
[From James Last] - the road is in dry condition and easily driven all the way up to the Mount Breakenridge area. However, there's a large washout just past the Big Silver Mainline junction at around kilometer 58.5. This road is an active logging area, so it's likely to be cleared up, but how long that will be is the question