Chilliwack Natural Resource District
Road Details
Condition Impassable (Last updated 74d)
Condition Details Road is impassable or requires highly specialized vehicles to drive
Closures No Posted Closures
Length 19.33km
Owner District Manager Chilliwack (dck)
Waypoints Download GPX
Road Description

No description.

Road Bulletins
Oleg Ku reported on: Jul 07, 2024
Beginning of the road with closure notice
blockage at around 5 km
washout, a bypass getting built above
Blocked around 5 km.
Some road improvement is going on beyond that - previous washouts and rock slides and mostly flattened.
New bypass at 11 km washout is getting built.
Chris Gulka reported on: Oct 23, 2022
Mostly good condition AWD low clearance, with some large boulders to navigate around. The exception is a huge washout around 11km which has taken out the whole road. A very rough steep bypass has been cut into place above the road. High clearance 4x4 required for this bypass.