Chris Gulka Maintainer

Join Date: Sep 23, 2023

Location: Not Specified

Contribution Points: 160

Bulletins: 19
(6 points each)
Photos: 23
(2 points each)

Recent Contributions

Sumallo 3261

There is steep crossing over the Sumallo River at the start of the branch. Looks doable with a good 4x4. After that the road narrows but there are no ...

Chris Gulka - May 27, 2024
Upper Chehalis River FSR

Deactivated. Lots of waterbars and some light deadfall. Road was impassable before the hairpin turn (see attached image)

Chris Gulka - Feb 17, 2024
Chehalis River Branch 370

Looked pretty rough going with a short steep waterbar at the start, didn't even bother driving up as I was checking for access to the E100 branch

Chris Gulka - Feb 17, 2024

I love this road. Well marked and easy to drive all the way to Tipella, good 2wd shape. South of Tipella, where the Road becomes W Harrison (at the N ...

Chris Gulka - Dec 15, 2023
Sloquet Creek Main

Some potholes and rough sections, but no major obstacles. There is active logging. A couple inches of icy snow that melted by the time we left 2 days ...

Chris Gulka - Dec 16, 2023
Tatlayoko Road

A nice dirt road. Moderately trafficked when we were there

Chris Gulka - Jun 30, 2023
Nemaiah Valley Road

A good compact dirt road. No big potholes or anything. This road was snowfree, while the Taseko Lake road was icy and snowy. 2wd friendly unless there...

Chris Gulka - Nov 18, 2023
Taseko Lake Road

Road is in good condition. Just a compact dirt road, with good signage. On the way in (sat morning) it was covered in compact snow and ice, very slipp...

Chris Gulka - Nov 18, 2023
Van Horlick Creek FSR

Used to access Gideon Peak. Lots of small but relatively deep waterbars. A rockslide over the road about 500m from the end, that is no issue for HC 4w...

Chris Gulka - Oct 29, 2023
Borden Creek FSR

Made it to the "new trailhead" (where there are boulders blocking the road) in my unlifted 4runner on 31's. Creek bypass is in good shape. Past the by...

Chris Gulka - Oct 22, 2023
Dutchman - Encampment Creek FSR

Good condition, but looks deactivated farther down, bush just starting to grow around the road. Some loose rocks, no waterbars.

Chris Gulka - Jul 21, 2023
Speyum Creek FSR

Possible to bike the first 2-3km after the boulders on North Bend FSR. But shortly after the road turns west it becomes very overgrown with alder

Chris Gulka - Nov 02, 2022
Stave River 702-SR5-1 Branch

Overgrown but easily walkable. Used to access The Defendant. At the end of the open road continue trending east and you will be able to pick up scatte...

Chris Gulka - May 27, 2023
North Bend FSR 6000 Branch

Good condition (no waterbars, not loose). Impassable rockfall around 2km from the end (1260m elevation)

Chris Gulka - Nov 02, 2022
Sowaqua Creek FSR

Mostly good condition AWD low clearance, with some large boulders to navigate around. The exception is a huge washout around 11km which has taken out ...

Chris Gulka - Oct 23, 2022
Butter Creek FSR

Impassable by vehicle. Small footpath at the start, then heavily overgrown with alder. A couple remnants of open sections down the valley, but mostly ...

Chris Gulka - Sep 30, 2022
Big Silver Mainline

Narrow and overgrown. Several washed out creek crossings. Passable with high clearance 4x4

Chris Gulka - Sep 29, 2022

In surprisingly good condition, but inaccessible to vehicles due to isolation

Chris Gulka - May 14, 2023
Alouette Lake FSR

4x4 and high clearance helpful at the start due to large loose rocks. Road is in better condition farther down

Chris Gulka - May 14, 2023