Elaho Main

Sea To Sky Natural Resource District
Road Details
Location TFL38
Condition Somewhat Degraded (Last updated 16d)
Condition Details Road has rough spots, water bars or moderate washouts and may require high-clearance 4WD
Closures No Posted Closures
Length 41.66km
Owner Northwest Squamish Forestry Ltd.
Award Date Aug 25, 1997
Waypoints Download GPX
Road Description

No description.

Road Bulletins
Andrea Tate reported on: Sep 02, 2024
Closure notice. Says to stay before the 60km mark
Good condition until the G-main branch turnoff at 9.5km. There is a sign from BC wildfire saying not to go past 60km on this road.
Jay Win reported on: Sep 01, 2024
I lost a Honda key at the Elaho River, around the 60 km mark

If anyone finds it, please let me know

SWBC Peak Baggers reported on: Apr 19, 2024
The centre x marks where Chaisson made it down Elaho Main
A look at the washout that Stephen reported earlier
[From Chaisson C Kroeker] - Didnt make it to Lava Camp, Elaho West Mainline was snowed in halfway, and Elaho Mainline had multiple small trees blocking the road.
So Since I couldnt get down, I went up the spur to get a view. Totally worth it.

Made it to ~37.5 km down Elaho Main before running into trees.

See: https://www.facebook.com/groups/4wdabc/permalink/10160083990346009/
Stephen Bunyak reported on: Mar 31, 2024
50° 11' 16.01" N, 123° 22' 23.25" W
Road is pretty rough from Squamish River FSR to the bridge at G-Main. >>CAUTION at 50° 11' 16.01" N, 123° 22' 23.25" W , theres a pile of snow that looks like a bank, its blocking a hole in the ground just behind it.<< easy bypass beside it, but shouldn't fly up there. I didnt have marking tape with me to make it any more obvious.
Adrian Burden reported on: Mar 15, 2024
A view up the valley from where I turned around
Made it up to the 20K or so. Some snowy spots, but no problem in 4x4. Surprised to see recent plowing just before and then past the falls. Not sure why?
Francis Bailey reported on: Dec 16, 2023
The first bridge and start of Elaho Main
A gate just past E-200, not sure if it’s ever closed
Typical conditions until E-200
Drove about 1km past the E-200 branch. Snow starts immediately after the bridge and the road is not plowed. However, most of the snow is melted out. We only stopped because we didn’t feel like putting chains on a second time.
SWBC Peak Baggers reported on: Oct 22, 2023
The road condition roughly at: 50°11'06.2"N 123°31'49.5"W
[From Tyler Ervs 4WDBC] - Able to drive up Elaho Mainline as far as 50°11'06.2"N 123°31'49.5"W before running into an excavator clearing out a washout. Large rocks and uneven surfaces were too much risk for clearance, even under my 1 ton on 35’s.