Sea To Sky Natural Resource District
Road Details
Location | CONROY CREEK |
Length | 9.60km |
Condition |
0.0km to 5.1 km | Good Condition 67d ago |
5.1 km to 8.8 km | Good Condition 118d ago |
8.8 km to 9.6 km | Good Condition 494d ago |
Owner | Timber Sales Manager Chinook |
Closures | No Posted Closures |
Waypoints | Download GPX |
Road Description
No description.
Road Bulletins
Snow line was around 920m @ 5km. After that it was fully snowed in but was an easy ski tour after that. Looks like it's it great shape, all the bridges and culverts are in with no deadfall. With the recent snows, the snow line is likely much lower.
Good condition. Beginning 1 or 2 km after the 2nd parking lot was the worst part. Parts rocky and parts loose. Drove to almost 9 km in my Pilot Trailsport. Snow at higher elevation. Turned around at 1225 m elevation at the switchback because of thin layer of snow covering entire road and I was slipping in my tires that are not 3PMSF rated. Road crossing Conroy Creek at around 7.5 km is eroding away, but still passable.
[From Nate Thomas] - Good condition to the 1900 Spur, but did not drive beyond that.