Bridal Falls FSR - Bulletin
OSM Editor reported on: Jul 06, 2024
A reactivation and deactivation project for this FSR and some overgrown spurs starts Monday July 8th 2024 and goes until the end of August 2024. The road will be gated and no public access (vehicular or foot) will be allowed.!publish/ENGINEERING/DEACTIVATION/Bridal%20Veil%20Falls%20Deactivation%20Prescriptions.pdf
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Nice find, I'll add a notice on the road now!
Jesse Scharf - 224d
hey Francis, the gate is now there about 0.5km in from the bottom if you want to mark it. and the signs say closed July 8 through Sep 30 2024.
Jesse Scharf - 224d
I was able to run by as they were just doing prep work + brought in a backhoe by the time I came back...but once the work has started yes I bet it will be no access allowed / road deactivated
Awesome, thanks Jesse, updated the notice and fixed the gate location!