The vast majority of vehicles will not be able to get past where Tareef parked (50.763737, -121.871400). The short tight switchback segment past his parking point is very steep loose gravel (no traction possible). Past the switchback segment the road would be driveable but as you get close to the end there is another steep loose gravel section.
Alternative parking areas include:
- Large switchback landing: 50.763384, -121.871512
- Large switchback landing: 50.767455, -121.871670
I added a number of Photosphere photographs for this road, the new road, and the backside road to Google Maps (Streetview).
Hey sorry for the late reply on this, I'll update the road geometry to match your observations as put in OSM! By the way, I've been thinking about the relationship between this site and OSM. Are there any tools you wish you had that would make it easier to transfer data from one system to other (either direction)