Chilliwack Natural Resource District
Road Details
Condition Somewhat Degraded (Last updated 80d)
Condition Details Road has rough spots, water bars or moderate washouts and may require high-clearance 4WD
Closures No Posted Closures
Length 6.68km
Owner District Manager Chilliwack (dck)
Waypoints Download GPX
Road Description

No description.

Road Bulletins
Alan Blair reported on: Jul 01, 2024
They have finished logging up there for now so they have put in some pretty wide water bars and then the further you go shorter deeper ones. We were able to drive the Maselpanik FSR 7.5km staying on the West side of the creek the whole time. I know this website shows it forking at 5.8km but that road is long gone and the bridge is out. Since this website shows it being a different named road on the West side I will update the remaining 2km on that fsr's bulletin.
Caro Coco reported on: Apr 17, 2024
The logging operation.
The road is no longer gated, however there are logging operations that can't be driven past at the moment. As of April 17, they were logging at elevation 850m on the road. They allowed us to walk through. The road is in excellent AWD condition. May be muddy if wet though so might not be suitable for 2WD.