Alan Blair Maintainer

Join Date: Sep 26, 2023

Location: Not Specified

Contribution Points: 364

Bulletins: 51
(6 points each)
Photos: 29
(2 points each)

Recent Contributions

Treasure Mountain Branch 1

Good condition

Alan Blair - Sep 05, 2024
Treasure Mountain Branch 2

Start of it is okay for a short bit but then once the switchbacks start it's steep and loose. Would only be fun to bike with a 4000 dollar full susp...

Alan Blair - Sep 05, 2024
Treasure Mountain Mine Road

Gated at 0.8km mark, No trespassing sign so didn't go further. Looked to be in good shape.

Alan Blair - Sep 05, 2024

The bridge is out right at the start of this FSR and then after you walk abit the next bridge is out. It appear the quad people have made a very ...

Alan Blair - Aug 20, 2024

We only took this main FSR to the 5km mark before branching off onto the Dewdney 6000 fsr. Up until this 5km mark the road was in pretty good condit...

Alan Blair - Aug 20, 2024
Tulameen River FSR

They are still working on the bridge at 22km over Mcgee Creek, it was closed the past few days but it was open for travel today. The only deal is you ...

Alan Blair - Sep 06, 2024

From where this road forks off of the Maselpanik fsr we were able to drive it 1.7km to where a bridge is out as shown in the pic below. They look to ...

Alan Blair - Jul 01, 2024

They have finished logging up there for now so they have put in some pretty wide water bars and then the further you go shorter deeper ones. We we...

Alan Blair - Jul 01, 2024

You can cross the bridge and drive about 100m before hitting the thick alder wall.

Alan Blair - Jun 19, 2024
Cantelon Creek FSR

The previous bulletin is well described. This road ends at 11km aka an alder wall even tho back in the day it went further. We parked at the for...

Alan Blair - Jun 19, 2024

like 200m distance from the start at the obvious creek on the contour map the whole road is destroyed.

Alan Blair - Jun 20, 2024

Alder has taken over, we dirt biked a bit of it thru the alder and then came upon a fallen tree only 550m distance from the start or 800m elevation. ...

Alan Blair - Jun 20, 2024

dirt biked 2.2km up until the obvious creek crossing where the road has completely blown out with deep sides. Too much work to try and muscle dirt bi...

Alan Blair - Jun 20, 2024

I"m giving it a somewhat degraded rating because we did manage to get a Honda CRV about 9km up it or around 650m elevation. A 4x4 HC could maybe go ...

Alan Blair - Jun 20, 2024

If you are going to the end of the Cantelon FSR take this newly built bypass road that will reconnect you with the Cantelon. Very strange that they...

Alan Blair - Jun 19, 2024
Pavilion Mountain Lookout Road

I gave it the somewhat degraded because it is an FSR that is slightly beat up but it doesn't have any waterbars or washouts so maybe it should get the...

Alan Blair - May 29, 2024

Christine the land steward is happy the mine is finally shut down as of a year ago. So with no active mining or logging going on, the road is being...

Alan Blair - May 28, 2024
Paleface Creek Branch 2300

Only managed to drive to 1170m before hitting a decent snowline, I don't mess around with snow cause it's super slushy this time of year but some ha...

Alan Blair - May 02, 2024
Cogburn Creek FSR

Gate is still open as of May 1st, We drove main Cogburn Creek FSR the full 16km up until where it forks. We took the left fork into a recent cutb...

Alan Blair - May 01, 2024

We used this cutblock spur for access to Mount Fagervik and were able to drive to the highest road in it. It's a standard deactivated cutblock spur w...

Alan Blair - May 01, 2024
Cogburn Creek Branch 2500

It's getting abit rough with fallen rocks and driving thru small creeks. After leaving Cognurb Creek main FSR you can only drive this road 2.70km befo...

Alan Blair - May 01, 2024
Yola Creek FSR

There is brand new pink ribbons on the edge of the road so they might be fixing it up in the future. Logs have been cut so we drove it for abit but...

Alan Blair - Apr 18, 2024
Hicks Creek FSR

The start of the road has had water run down it creating deep ruts. 4x4 HC vehicles will probably be able to drive through it but most people's vehic...

Alan Blair - Apr 18, 2024
Silverhope Creek FSR

There is a main rock slide at 2.57km and 1 mini rock slide beforehand that most HC vehicles should be able to get over. This is part of the Tran...

Alan Blair - Apr 17, 2024
Klesikwa River FSR

They are logging right at the start of this road but it doesn't matter cause if you drive a couple hundred meters the road is obliterated

Alan Blair - Apr 17, 2024
Silver Skagit FSR

Official opening was April 15th and we drove to the 45km mark to scout out access roads and trails for Mount Andrews. Excellent condition road for ...

Alan Blair - Apr 17, 2024

This road is the road past Clear Creek Hot Springs. We managed to drive it to 910m before hitting snow and then walked it to 1050m. 1000m contour l...

Alan Blair - Apr 05, 2024
Clear Creek FSR

I agree with the somewhat degraded label. a few section it's rutted out with loose rocks because water is running down the road, a few creek cross...

Alan Blair - Apr 05, 2024
Coutlee Mountain Road

We took this road to get us access for a quick ascent of Jesse Mountain. There is a sign at the start saying it's on indian land and you're supposed...

Alan Blair - Mar 25, 2024

Even tho this road was covered in snow when we did it, there is a cut path to the top of Pennask from this road. It might be a snowmobile route, may...

Alan Blair - Mar 25, 2024
Bear Lake FSR

After exiting Hwy 97c and getting onto Bear Lake FSR it was mainly snow free with the odd thin section in shaded areas. We drove 4.10km and parke...

Alan Blair - Mar 25, 2024
Paleface Creek FSR

We drove it to the major fork at 2.4km where we parked and then started walking on the right fork. As mentioned in previous bulletins, standard w...

Alan Blair - Feb 19, 2024
Slollicum Creek FSR

To touch on the last update from Justine, the gate at 4.25km's is still open. The waterbars are fairly aggressive so I would agree with what Justine...

Alan Blair - Feb 05, 2024
Gray Creek FSR

Dec 31st was able to drive to the lower parking lot with no snow. Even saw a Toyota Prius at the lower lot so 2wd car is doable but would be kinda slo...

Alan Blair - Dec 31, 2023
Mount Wood FSR

Lots of haul roads spur roads mountain bike trails dirt bike trails and hiking trails to get to the top of Mount Wood. The previous road we used to ge...

Alan Blair - Dec 20, 2023
Oliphant Lake FSR

This whole area is actively being logged so you can expect the gate to be locked most of the time. Mix of dirt bike trails horsetrails and mountain bi...

Alan Blair - Dec 19, 2023
Ayum Creek FSR

The road to the lake is in good shape but has a gate at 200m elevation. Once you start on this section it's just an overgrown logging road. Not drivea...

Alan Blair - Dec 20, 2023
Glinz Lake Road

There is a locked gate at 200m elevation, it's a paved road all the way to the lake where it's the YMCA camp. Sign at the gate says No trespassing so ...

Alan Blair - Dec 20, 2023
Chehalis-Fleetwood FSR

Washout about 3km up from the main road and then continues to become overgrown after that.

Alan Blair - Nov 16, 2023
Paleface Creek 500 Spur

Bridge it out at the start of this fsr and then overgrown from there

Alan Blair - Nov 16, 2023
Jones Lake FSR

They are logging on the West side of the lake so the lower portion of Jones Lake FSR is in good shape, once you get to the East side of the lake it's ...

Alan Blair - Oct 20, 2023
Jones Lake FL1500 Branch

For access to Mount Ling via West Ridge. Waterbars show up right away, there must have been at least 30 of them and they were pretty deep and some had...

Alan Blair - Oct 20, 2023
Eight Mile Creek 2000 Spur

This fork is 5km from the 8mile bridge crossing. From here the road bed is in good condtion but serious waterbars have been installed. Only saw a SXS ...

Alan Blair - Oct 13, 2023
Eight Mile Creek FSR

8mile Creek FSR is in amazing condition right now due to active logging at the far end right below Hatfield. Honda CRV can drive to the end. BEWARE of...

Alan Blair - Oct 13, 2023
Blackwall Road

SWBC report As of Oct 12th they have the gate locked at Cascade Lookout. 1st major snowfall they will lock it at the bottom as a seasonal closure sinc...

Alan Blair - Oct 12, 2023
Squeah Creek FSR

The house owner had the city install cement blocks at the start because of all the homeless people squatting down the road and having drug labs in tra...

Alan Blair - Oct 08, 2023
Tearse Creek 3241B Spur

This is the road if you want to do the Brown Merge Rocktip Goldtip Tearse Loop. The bridge is out right at the start. Rock hopping on feet across the ...

Alan Blair - Oct 05, 2023
Tearse Creek FSR

Once leaving the Sumallo FSR and getting onto the spur road the initial switchbacks near the start have ruts in the road. Honda CRV had minor scraping...

Alan Blair - Oct 05, 2023
Sumallo River FSR

Only drove the Sumallo FSR for 4km and then turned off it for a Spur road to get to the old ski lift. Sumallo was in good condition for those 4km for ...

Alan Blair - Oct 05, 2023
Rogers Creek FSR

There is a gate at the start of Rogers Creek FSR but it was closed but not locked. So we opened it and then reclosed it. A Honda CRV made it to 510m e...

Alan Blair - Aug 02, 2023
Norton Lake FSR

Once you leave the Hixon Creek FSR and start up the Norton Creek FSR for the first little bit the road is in good shape as they have machinery up ther...

Alan Blair - Sep 14, 2023