Monastic Peak FSR - "Lost Creek SL100 Spur"

Chilliwack Natural Resource District
Road Details
Location Weatherhead Creek/Davis Lake
Condition Somewhat Degraded (Last updated 310d)
Condition Details Road has rough spots, water bars or moderate washouts and may require high-clearance 4WD
Closures No Posted Closures
Length 4.31km
Owner Teal Cedar Products Ltd.
Award Date Nov 25, 2004
Waypoints Download GPX
Road Description

No description.

Road Bulletins
Michael Lemieux reported on: Nov 12, 2023
Log and washout. Much steeper than picture looks.
Big washout with fallen tree at ~1.5km mark.
Francis Bailey reported on: Mar 27, 2021
One of a few shallow puddles
Typical road conditions
The water bars for this road were just a touch too deep for my honda civic, but any 4WD vehicle could have made it easily. We walked the entirety of the road and found it in generally good condition.