Chilliwack Natural Resource District
Road Details
Location Weatherhead Creek/Davis Lake
Condition Impassable (Last updated 349d)
Condition Details Road is impassable or requires highly specialized vehicles to drive
Closures No Posted Closures
Length 1.21km
Owner Teal Cedar Products Ltd.
Award Date Nov 25, 2004
Waypoints Download GPX
Road Description

Heavily overgrown and decommissioned road, but it can still be walked on if you don't mind a bit of deadfall and some sections of deep alder lower down.

Road Bulletins
Francis Bailey reported on: Mar 27, 2021
An old culvert on the road. Otherwise you might not be certain you're actually on a road at all!
The dense and overgrown section lower down
Easier to navigate higher up and some recent flagging (as of 2021)
Very overgrown with alder in the lower section and then chocked full of deadfall higher up. It's better to stick to the forest for the lower section and then take the road through the upper cliff bands to make it easier to navigate the terrain.