46K.29 - Bulletin
Sean Caulfield reported on: Dec 07, 2024
Sign at start
Zoomed in view of the map on the sign
Parking with a view
This is the washout/creek I didn't attempt. Steeper than it looks
The dip down to the creek
Snow-covered but fairly easy travel in 4x4 with chains. I stopped at KM1, there is a dip down to the creek which would've been very challenging with the snow. Looked like only one narrow tired vehicle (likely a SxS) had made it across recently. Probably fine in dry conditions. Sign at the start about a motor vehicle closure but from what I can decipher travel on this road itself is fine? There were a few tire tracks so if it's actually closed seems to be ignored.
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I think these zones were lifted or modified: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/sports-recreation-arts-and-culture/outdoor-recreation/motor-vehicle-prohibitions/faq_wildfire_mvc.pdf although it's not clear at what stage/point that occurred