Sean Caulfield Maintainer

Join Date: Sep 27, 2023

Location: Not Specified

Contribution Points: 716

Bulletins: 86
(6 points each)
Photos: 100
(2 points each)

Recent Contributions


Same condition as Heath's report, I'd just add that about 400m from the driveable end there is a "shooting gallery" with a big plywood sheet & target,...

Sean Caulfield - Sep 08, 2024

First 500m ok with 2wd, AWD/2WD should park here. At KM1 there is a hill (10-12° steep) with some big dips & bumps. 4-lo recommended. A Ford Bronco di...

Sean Caulfield - Sep 08, 2024

KM0-2.5 is graded smooth, passable in any vehicle. Did not travel remainder of road.

Sean Caulfield - Sep 08, 2024

1st kilometer of this road is definitely not "impassable", I used to connect to Chilliwack Lake Road coming from "Little Tamahi 1000"

Sean Caulfield - Sep 08, 2024

Vedder Mountain Road was closed for construction at the Cultus Lake roundabout so I used this to connect to Chilliwack Lake Road. Frequently travelled...

Sean Caulfield - Sep 08, 2024

Drove this spur for a short distance to access Mount Sampson. Initially bushy but opens up, roadbed was ok. Suggest investigating alternate start if h...

Sean Caulfield - Aug 31, 2024
Sampson Creek West Mainline

Washed out culvert near the start, easy bypass on upstream side for now but may get worse after rain. Extremely overgrown (I'm talking 6' alders growi...

Sean Caulfield - Aug 31, 2024
North Creek East - Sampson Connector

Did not find the first couple kms particularly challenging. Washout at 3km has not been fixed but it's still passable for now (see pics). May get wors...

Sean Caulfield - Aug 31, 2024
Blackwall Road

Paved to Cascade lookout, extremely smooth dirt after that to the top (which is over 2,000m!) - fine for any vehicle. There was an open gate above Cas...

Sean Caulfield - Aug 26, 2024
Talc Creek FSR

Good condition, a low-clearance Subaru Impreza wagon didn't make it past the water bar mentioned in the previous report, which is around 2km before th...

Sean Caulfield - Aug 17, 2024
Talc Creek 2120 Spur

One medium sized water bar near the start then it's a bit rocky but no trouble in a truck. Could probably drive an SUV up it if you really wanted to. ...

Sean Caulfield - Aug 17, 2024

In good shape & easily passable to KM2, then a bit overgrown for ~1km, then heavily overgrown with washouts, alder, bushwhacking. Some views from cutb...

Sean Caulfield - Jul 21, 2024

Not in industrial use currently but still in good condition. Not gated

Sean Caulfield - Jul 21, 2024
Lesson Main Bypass

This is the new start of Leeson/Loosen Main(line). Other start decommissioned

Sean Caulfield - Jul 21, 2024

Well maintained gravel road

Sean Caulfield - Jul 24, 2024

Well maintained gravel road, this is the main access to Winter Harbour

Sean Caulfield - Jul 24, 2024

Well maintained gravel road. Did not travel KM0-3.5

Sean Caulfield - Jul 24, 2024

Only travelled KM1-10, well maintained gravel road. There is an active log sort near KM0 so expect timber hauling, saw some massive rock trucks parked...

Sean Caulfield - Jul 24, 2024

Well maintained gravel road

Sean Caulfield - Jul 23, 2024
Miner Lake Road

Should be ok in most vehicles to Miner Lake Rec Site, after camping there we drove (rwd Nissan NV2500 high roof camperized van with A/T tires) to arou...

Sean Caulfield - Jul 27, 2021
Cogburn Creek Branch 2510

Easily drove to the end, did not find the washouts to be particularly challenging or sketchy. Maybe they have been improved since previous reports? SU...

Sean Caulfield - Jul 05, 2024
Cogburn Creek Branch 2500

In good condition to the junction before KM3.5 where I turned left leaving this road. Did not explore beyond. Thanks to Andrew for clearing the trees ...

Sean Caulfield - Jul 05, 2024
Cogburn Creek FSR

Gate open despite old sign stating that it would be locked at 3pm daily (I passed through well after 3pm). Couple of spots where there has been some m...

Sean Caulfield - Jul 05, 2024
Illal Creek FSR

Minor mudslide at 650m passable by any vehicle with half decent clearance (crossover should be ok). Major washout at KM1 - steep rocky creek at a shar...

Sean Caulfield - Jul 29, 2023

Road condition described very well in the last report from Heath, it was no problem in my truck through the first washouts but SUVs would struggle I t...

Sean Caulfield - Jun 09, 2024
Same A

One short steep rocky section where you'll want at least an AWD with some clearance, otherwise in good condition.

Sean Caulfield - May 25, 2024

Easy 2wd condition to Klein Lake turnoff, did not drive beyond

Sean Caulfield - May 25, 2024
North Lake Branch 2

A few potholes but no problem in almost any vehicle to Klein Lake

Sean Caulfield - May 25, 2024

Drove as far as KM35.75. Road is in good shape for the most part except it crosses many many areas exposed to rockfall & landslides from above. The ro...

Sean Caulfield - May 20, 2024
Downton Creek FSR

The lock blocks at KM0 bridge are back.

Sean Caulfield - May 20, 2024
Scotty Creek Main

Drove until KM16. The first 13km were recently graded & smooth, road passes through some ranchland. Cows on road at KM3 & horses at KM12. KM13-16 not ...

Sean Caulfield - May 18, 2024
Scottie Creek 5000

Followed this road to KM12.4, decent enough condition. Probably doable in a crossover, definitely no problem in a truck.

Sean Caulfield - May 18, 2024
Pavilion-Clinton Road

Drove from Pavillion-Kelly Lake, some prohibitive signage at the start which I ignored as this is a public road as far as I know? Another sign a few k...

Sean Caulfield - May 19, 2024
Jesmond Road

Wide dirt road, some potholes but nothing very challenging. Ok in almost any vehicle

Sean Caulfield - May 19, 2024
Big Bar Road

Travelled from KM39.5-0. Good condition wide & well maintained dirt road. Ok in almost any vehicle

Sean Caulfield - May 19, 2024

Drove to the parking area at 1,900m just before the lookout. Road covered in ~4" of snow after this. This road is narrow & steep the whole way up with...

Sean Caulfield - May 19, 2024
Jesmond Creek FSR

Good condition, ok in almost any vehicle. Lots of MTBers camped a short distance up.

Sean Caulfield - May 19, 2024
Hallowell Mine Spur

Walked this road to the former mine site & viewpoint, a little bushy at the start but would be driveable in an AWD SUV if you could somehow make it up...

Sean Caulfield - May 12, 2024

Did not travel but met a couple of modified Jeeps who had used this road to join "Hallowell" just before the big switchback at El. 590m

Sean Caulfield - May 12, 2024

Impassable washout at KM4.8 (road is eroded to about the width of a quad bike). Aggressively-driven AWD SUV can likely make it to the previous switchb...

Sean Caulfield - May 12, 2024
Richardson Lake Spur

Quite narrow but if you've made it this far should be no problem. Small turnaround area at the lake

Sean Caulfield - May 11, 2024

In ok condition for first 5km, there's a creek crossing at approx. 5.5km which requires a bit of clearance & then a washout just after 6km which is lo...

Sean Caulfield - May 11, 2024

Easy 2wd condition, there's one small creek flowing across the road eroding it which could become a problem for vehicles lacking clearance but okay fo...

Sean Caulfield - May 04, 2024
Bear Creek FSR

Gate at 2km is locked, nowhere to park or turn around but small pullout for 2 vehicles 150m back. Plenty of space to get a bike through, there is a ma...

Sean Caulfield - May 04, 2024
Bear Creek 2193-4 Branch

Active logging up this spur, although nothing happening today (Saturday). Road is graded smooth

Sean Caulfield - May 04, 2024
R01712 2195-1

Used the first ~900m of this road on an ascent of Mount McNair. Washout right at the start but roadbed was okay for ~900m after that before the road a...

Sean Caulfield - May 04, 2024

Looks driveable, but doesn't really go anywhere.

Sean Caulfield - May 04, 2024
Bear Creek 2192A Branch

Hasn't seen industrial use in several years but still looks like it might be driveable for a bit at least (if you get past the gate at KM2 on Bear Cre...

Sean Caulfield - May 04, 2024
Bear Creek 2192A Branch

Attaching a pic of the start of the road - narrow but roadbed looks okay, not totally overgrown.

Sean Caulfield - May 04, 2024
Indian River FSR

I expect this road may be closed to the public very soon. First few KM have been graded so smooth they might as well be paved, I think this is to get ...

Sean Caulfield - Apr 20, 2024
Hixon Creek FSR

Agree with the last report, any SUV should make it but I'd recommend decent tires as well as a full size size spare and tire repair kit as it >30km ba...

Sean Caulfield - Apr 20, 2024

Walked the first 2km of this FSR (duplicated with American 2 which runs in reverse), it was buried under several feet of snow. First ~250m at the very...

Sean Caulfield - Apr 13, 2024

Drove the first ~300m only up a steep(ish) hill through a couple of snowpatches before I hit consistent snow at ~725m elevation. About a foot of snow ...

Sean Caulfield - Apr 13, 2024
American Creek FSR

Drove the first 9km only. Any SUV should be easily capable of making it this far at least, you could proably even get a Prius up, no waterbars & roadb...

Sean Caulfield - Apr 13, 2024
Widgeon Creek FSR

Walked 4.5km portion from Widgeon Creek Camp to just after it crosses Widgeon Creek (Fools Gold route). In good shape for biking, hardtail or better r...

Sean Caulfield - Mar 24, 2024
Falls Lake Road

Road was plowed to the parking lot by the pipeline crew (they have a worksite halfways up). Steep enough in a couple spots to warrant chains if condit...

Sean Caulfield - Jan 07, 2024
Sts'ailes West FSR

Decent condition with some potholes to KM25 which was as far as we drove. Averaged 30-45kph in mid-size truck, sedans etc. would need to take it slowe...

Sean Caulfield - Jan 06, 2024
20 Mile Bay FSR

Easy 2wd to locked gate at 49.494884,-121.877994 (800-900m from Sts'ailes West).

Sean Caulfield - Jan 06, 2024
Susan Peak Lookout Road

Seriously overgrown but roadbed in good condition. Probably possible to drive in SxS, ATV or smaller 4x4 if you don't mind pinstripes/scratches. I jus...

Sean Caulfield - Aug 04, 2023
Jeb Lake FSR

Narrow + bushy with one small shallow creek/puddle to cross 200m before the Susan Peak Lookout spur. Did not drive further towards Jeb Lake

Sean Caulfield - Aug 04, 2023
Susan Lake FSR

Drove this road from Bush River Road / Blackwater Creek Rec Site for approx. 9.5km to branch for Susan Peak Fire Lookout. Main FSR seems reasonably we...

Sean Caulfield - Aug 04, 2023
Hanson Creek FSR

Closed but unlocked gate at 0KM, Hanson Creek FSR is much steeper than Norrish but still well graded for the first ~1km at least. After pasing a recen...

Sean Caulfield - Apr 30, 2023
Norrish Creek FSR

Pic of the locked gate

Sean Caulfield - Apr 30, 2023
Norrish Creek FSR

$30 4WDABC membership gets you the gate code, road was in good condition & doable in almost any vehicle to the Hanson Creek turnoff (for DeRoche Mount...

Sean Caulfield - Apr 30, 2023
Brandywine Creek Upper Spur

Wet melting snow on the road increasing with elevation. Lots of vehicles parked before the first big switchback (~930m elevation), we drove further up...

Sean Caulfield - Nov 13, 2023
Shovelnose Creek FSR

Adding some pics - couldn't add to previous bulletin

Sean Caulfield - Nov 05, 2022
Shovelnose Creek FSR

During winter this is a sled-access area, but before/after it is snow-covered the road is driveable. We used for early season ski touring in 2022. 1-2...

Sean Caulfield - Nov 05, 2022
Slollicum Creek FSR

Connected onto this FSR via Slollicum Trail and walked it for ~2km to where the trail left the road. Road has seen some recent regrading and several n...

Sean Caulfield - Oct 28, 2023
Slollicum Creek FSR

Likely going to be used for logging in the near future. I believe it is gated, probably near the start.

Sean Caulfield - Oct 28, 2023

Narrow, rocky and steep with some decent waterbars to Slollicum TH. Connecting trail to CB1100 is not bike-friendly.

Sean Caulfield - Oct 28, 2023
Slollicum Branch 200

Driveable to the large "U" with 2wd (~800m from East Harrison FSR), most vehicles should make it here and there's space to park. After this the spur t...

Sean Caulfield - Oct 28, 2023
Downton Creek FSR

Measured the lock blocks before the 0KM bridge at 95" apart (+/-) - for reference, we saw a couple of full size trucks (F150/Silverado) had made it pa...

Sean Caulfield - Oct 22, 2023
Holly Lake Spur

Narrow, couple spots where a bit of clearance helps but no major washouts or waterbars. Some very small thin alders will brush against your vehicle, b...

Sean Caulfield - Oct 22, 2023
Alouette Lake FSR

In May 2023 this road was driveable with 4x4 HC (steep and rocky) to at least what is called Interlaken Peak on peakbagger app. Sounds like there may ...

Sean Caulfield - May 06, 2023
Ashlu Main

Lock blocks @ KM6.8 Ashlu Falls Bridge pushed aside again, bridge deck seems ok, I didn't check support beams but drove across quickly. 2wd ok to here...

Sean Caulfield - Sep 09, 2023
Prospect Miner A Branch

Bridge approach completely washed out at 24KM on Miner Road, 4x4 HC bypass through creek (doable in Nissan Frontier crew cab long bed). Second washout...

Sean Caulfield - Oct 23, 2022
Blowdown Pass Connector

Driveable to the pass with 4x4 HC, road is narrow and very grown in - pinstripes guaranteed. Something smaller like the Suzuki Samurai we saw make it ...

Sean Caulfield - Jul 22, 2023
Downton Creek FSR

The lock blocks at the 0km bridge on Downton Creek FSR are still pushed apart, easily wide enough for a Nissan Frontier (could drive straight through ...

Sean Caulfield - Sep 30, 2023
Rainy River FSR

Super friendly gate lady at the mill, took my name and licence plate and let me through. Road is in easy 2wd shape, no active logging encountered toda...

Sean Caulfield - Aug 19, 2023

Road is washed out from Ashlu Main but kayakers have flagged a trail down to the old bridge. The bridge across the Ashlu is down to just two support b...

Sean Caulfield - Sep 09, 2023
Rainy River Branch 4

Used this spur from Rainy River FSR to access Tetrahedron Peak Trail, an SUV or crossover should have no problem making it to my parking spot. Recent ...

Sean Caulfield - Aug 19, 2023
Green Mountain Road

This FSR is signed "Green Mountain" at the Hurley, it was narrow, steep and rough but doable in Nissan Frontier - should be possible in most vehicles ...

Sean Caulfield - May 20, 2023
North Bannock FSR

Should be no problem in AWD SUV to Gimli trailhead, could probably get a 2wd sedan or hatchback pretty close as well, or maybe even all the way with a...

Sean Caulfield - Aug 06, 2023
Hoder Creek FSR

Road was 2WD-friendly until the final 2km. Steep & very rocky for a kilometer from 2WD parking area then okay again for final 1km to trailhead. Ro...

Sean Caulfield - Aug 07, 2023
Roxey Creek FSR

This road continues further than shown on some mapping apps, we were able to drive all the way to within ~100m of the cabin (Dickson Peak trailhead). ...

Sean Caulfield - May 21, 2023
Tenas Creek FSR

Road is bushy but if you go slow shouldn't get too many pinstripes. I walked in front of the truck & did some alder clipping above elevation ~1,27...

Sean Caulfield - Jun 04, 2023