Carmanah Main

South Island Natural Resource District
Road Details
Location Nitinat
Condition Somewhat Degraded (Last updated 19d)
Condition Details Road has rough spots, water bars or moderate washouts and may require high-clearance 4WD
Closures No Posted Closures
Length 33.66km
Owner Tsawak-qin Forestry Inc.
Award Date Aug 08, 1995
Waypoints Download GPX
Road Description

No description.

Road Bulletins
Stephen Bunyak reported on: Aug 31, 2024
Road is partially paved from 0 to 13.25. It’s about 1 lanes width of paving and is pretty rough shape. Otherwise gravel road after that has decent potholes. There was a vehicle with something on it broken - presumably from the potholes. Does not require high clearance vehicle, but care must be taken due to the rough road.
Jonathan Gugger reported on: Jul 06, 2023
In good shape from Intersection with Cowichan Main to Franklin Camp (did not go south to Nitinat Lake)