
Chilliwack Natural Resource District
Road Details
Condition Good Condition (Last updated 359d)
Condition Details Road is 2WD driveable in most cases or easily driven in a 4WD.
Closures No Posted Closures
Length 4.04km
Owner Hillcore Lakeside Pacific Forest Products Ltd.
Award Date Jun 22, 1993
Waypoints Download GPX
Road Description

No description.

Road Bulletins
Francis Bailey reported on: Jun 03, 2023
New road bed being created
Some instabilities around the 900m elevation mark
More new road being put in
The road was gated only 2km in and 600m elevation. We walked the rest and found the road in good condition. Higher up they're building out more roads, so that likely explains the gate in the first place. The road currently runs all the way up to ~1000m elevation.