Incomappleux Branch 2 - Bulletin
Jeremy Roodzant reported on: Aug 23, 2024
One of the few surviving bridges.
This is Kellie Creek Bridge. This Creek is difficult to cross with bikes.
This is currently a dry creek, but obviously not dry in the spring.
Only passable by foot, bike or horse for most of it.
Tons of Alder/new growth makes for very slow bike ride
Multiple major washouts and numerous trees down also, so expect to carry bikes multiple times.
Bridge across Kellie Creek Removed also.
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Hey Jeremy, thanks for the report on this area! From what I gather all bridges appear to be on foot only. Is that correct?
You could take a dirt bike or bike across them, quad or heavier is at getting riskier.

The area is only accessible by bike or foot anyhow with the main road gated and lockblock walls at Km Zero anyhow so unless you already had a vehicle in here you are stuck with bike or foot anyway
And there’s a few washouts too that you wouldn’t get a quad or bigger across either
Awesome I'll update the map based on your details. Thanks!
Sorry I wasn’t clear. The gate/lock lock walls are on km zero of the main Imcompleaux road. This road as marked on map has no gates