Selkirk Natural Resource District
Road Details
Condition Impassable (Last updated 17d)
Condition Details Road is impassable or requires highly specialized vehicles to drive
Closures No Posted Closures
Length 27.17km
Owner Louisiana - Pacific Canada Ltd.
Award Date Jul 01, 1996
Waypoints Download GPX
Road Description

No description.

Road Bulletins
Josiane Begin reported on: Sep 02, 2024
Washout at km 6
Impassible washout at km 6. This leaves 19 km of biking to the end of the road with multiple up to knee-deep but safe creek crossings and bike carries. The creek has merged with the road in some areas. Bring extra shoes. A quad could make it to the end of the road, and there were fresh tracks to prove it.
Steven Noel reported on: Jul 24, 2023
Good condition to the major washout at ~11.5km. Major washouts at 11.5 and beyond render it impassable beyond this point, we continued by mountain bike with significant carrying before turning up the Icefall Brook FSR.