Sootheran Creek FSR - "10K Snowmobile Trail"

Cascades Natural Resource District
Road Details
Length 3.84km
0.0km to 3.8 km Heavily Degraded 254d ago
Closures No Posted Closures
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Road Description

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Road Bulletins
Andrew Knapman reported on: Jun 13, 2024
This is known as the 10K Snowmobile Trail and is used for snowmobilers to access the 10K Recreation Hut in the winter. In the summer this is a driveable road for capable 4x4's.

The initial 500m are rough with a massive washout running down the road on one side, but you can fit vehicles past on the other. Lots of rocks and generally rough conditions. No significant cross ditches though. The road actually improves beyond the initial 500m or so and would be SUV suitable.

A 4x4 would be able to drive to around 2.5km where the road starts to parallel/cross Sootheran Creek and becomes very muddy, at least in the early summer with snowmelt still occurring. Perhaps in the late summer this improves, but I doubt many vehicles will get past the mud at this point. The water flow has also seriously degraded the road here. An ATV/Dirt Bike could likely drive to the 10k hut and possibly even all the way to Bedpost Peak, there's a road most the way.