Matt Sutton

Join Date: Oct 04, 2023

Location: Not Specified

Contribution Points: 24

Bulletins: 4
(6 points each)
Photos: 0
(2 points each)

Recent Contributions

Mamquam South Mainline

Road is drivable by a 4WD, SUVs or even 2WD up until the spur to Seed Peak. Only after this point is when it is heavy cross ditched and access is extr...

Matt Sutton - Oct 01, 2023
Mamquam River E23-1 Spur

Drivable by 4WD to almost the end of the spur and start of the Seed Peak trail. Active logging in this area means access is limited Mon-Fri.

Matt Sutton - Oct 01, 2023
Mamquam E-100

New logging has the road open and regularly graded. Has been in excellent condition for AWDs but recently is a little torn up. But still drivable to S...

Matt Sutton - Oct 01, 2023
Mamquam River E23-2 Spur

Drivable till almost the end. Active logging here has the end of the road in rough condition

Matt Sutton - Oct 01, 2023