JP Demers

Join Date: Oct 08, 2023

Location: Not Specified

Contribution Points: 32

Bulletins: 4
(6 points each)
Photos: 4
(2 points each)

Recent Contributions

Hurley River FSR

I noticed there is a website for this FSR: "" and here is the post for May 15, 2024.

Hurley is Open!
Posted on May 15, 2024 ...

JP Demers - May 15, 2024
Chance Creek FSR

We drove with a 2WD car with snow tires. Because of the snow/ice on the road, we stopped driving at 2.5km from the entrance instead of 5.0km where the...

JP Demers - Feb 04, 2024
Sumas Mountain FSR

We drove on Sumas Mountain FSR all the way to the parking lot at 720m with a 2WD sedan (Mazda 3) with winter tires. At first, there was maintenance on...

JP Demers - Mar 14, 2024
Hurley River FSR

With a sedan 2WD, we went all the way to Semaphore Lake trailhead via Hurley Creek FSR. There were a lot of holes and the road was bumpy, but otherwis...

JP Demers - Oct 07, 2023