Neil Sc

Join Date: Jan 26, 2024

Location: Not Specified

Contribution Points: 70

Bulletins: 11
(6 points each)
Photos: 2
(2 points each)

Recent Contributions

Moose Creek FSR

Couple of big potholes, only went as far as the Beaverfoot - Ice River FSR, unknown status beyond this point.

Neil Sc - Sep 14, 2024

Single lane road, brushy but still easily driveable.

Neil Sc - Sep 14, 2024
Thompson Falls FSR

Grader was working between Km 6-10 today. Very dusty. Active hauling currently ongoing, so be sure to be on the radio RR25.

Neil Sc - Jul 08, 2024
Collie Creek FSR

Bridge over Collie CK at KM 10.9 has been removed. No vehicle crossing possible, after the jct where Amiskwi branches off, water bars become much more...

Neil Sc - Jul 08, 2024

This is the new section of road, the Blaeberry FSR no longer runs long the river in this section.

Neil Sc - Jun 26, 2024
Collie Creek FSR

Surprisingly the bridge over Ensign CK at KM1.5 was still in place despite info it had been pulled. Some swales, but otherwise still very passable.

Neil Sc - Jun 26, 2024
Blaeberry FSR

Washout at KM 36 and a large deep swale about 200m north makes it impassible to vehicles, but still accessible to foot, bikes, horses and ATV’s

Neil Sc - Jun 26, 2024
Amiskwi Branch

Some swales, but otherwise in great condition for an FSR

Neil Sc - Jun 26, 2024

Foot or ATV access only

Neil Sc - May 24, 2024
Beaverfoot River FSR

Drove as far as KM 23, road is plowed but has ice/snow/slush layer so be cautions. Wouldn't recommend 2WD

Neil Sc - Feb 04, 2024
Wolverine-Moose Connector

Bridge between Km .5 and Km 1 is out and not passable with a vehicle

Neil Sc - Jul 13, 2023