Rob Pargee

Join Date: Feb 01, 2024

Location: Not Specified

Contribution Points: 36

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Photos: 3
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Road was in not bad shape. Made it to about 1050m elevation on the way to Alpen in a 4x4. Stopped by snow. Cross ditches are not too deep. I probably ...

Rob Pargee - May 17, 2024
Ray Basin FSR

Entrance to Ray Basin FSR off of Mamquam FSR, This was on a friday about noon. Closed for pipeline work.

Rob Pargee - May 17, 2024
Slollicum Creek FSR

Gate still open on Saturday Feb 10. Agree 4x4 is needed for deep cross ditches. Parked at 850m in an stock Xterra which was at its limit.

Rob Pargee - Feb 10, 2024
Cascade Bay Branch 2300

8-10 trees down across the road right at the start. Chainsaw would make quick work of them.

Rob Pargee - Feb 10, 2024
Tamihi Creek FSR

The recent slide that was reported on Jan 28th must have been cleared up. Quite a bit of recent rockfall I had to roll off the road but no major slide...

Rob Pargee - Jan 30, 2024