Tamihi Creek FSR

Chilliwack Natural Resource District
Road Details
Length 16.25km
0.0km to 15.1 km Somewhat Degraded 138d ago
15.1 km to 15.5 km Heavily Degraded 138d ago
15.5 km to 16.2 km Impassable 138d ago
Owner District Manager Chilliwack (dck)
Closures No Posted Closures
Waypoints Download GPX
Road Description

No description.

Road Bulletins
Heath Anderson reported on: Sep 21, 2024
49.03865° N, 121.81766° W This would be a tame section of potholes compared to some spots.
49.00748° N, 121.77183° W After the bridge at 49.00909, -121.77741, I did find the road to become a little rougher. Still nothing to stop a vehicle just bumpy.
49.00224° N, 121.73599° W The washout. Ample room to park before this if you wish.
48.99834° N, 121.70862° W My final resting place. The road becomes just too narrow after this. This is with the fisheye mode, definitely would be tight with 2 vehicles.
This road is rough, but definitely still drivable. Plenty of potholes and puddles. Crossover type vehicles should make it to the washout without a hitch. If you decide to drive though the washout the road can be easily driven to KM15 where most people park. The road then can be driven a bit further to KM15.5 easily enough in a small HC4x4 where there is a small pullout to turn around and park. Between KM15 and 15.5 there are several pullouts to turnaround and park if it becomes too rough for your liking.
Kay Cahill reported on: Jul 21, 2024
Negotiating the washout
As reported by others there are several heavily potholed sections, but they are fairly sporadic and it's reasonably smooth travel (for an FSR) in between. A couple of rockier spots and deeper cross-ditches to contend with before the big washout at approx 13km in.

The washout itself wasn't as bad as expected given previous reports. It's right on a corner with a fairly steep entrance and exit, but with careful navigation it wasn't a problem making it through in a long box Taco.
Darin Riedel reported on: Jul 09, 2024
Looking downhill, you can see the slope better here. You do not want to start sliding downhill!
Looking uphill. Someone stacked rocks on the downhill side in an effort to reduce the slope angle on exit.
Still heavily potholed, took us almost an hour to drive the 14 or so km in a stock Xterra.

The impasse on this published map doesn't seem to exist anymore.

There was the deep water bar at about 14km (780m), 2km from the final impasse, that is now dry but sloping almost 30 degrees downhill. This is where we decided to park. No doubt we could have made it through this, but I didn't want to risk it given we had no support vehicle or recovery gear and there was no one else on the road that day. The two photos show this spot. The one looking uphill shows the small pile of rocks someone placed in an effort to smooth out the exit. The one looking downhill gives a better representation of the actual slope of the exit. Again, without question a more experienced driver and vehicle would make this go.

The final impasse is at about 980m. If you make it this far, there is no where to park and you'll have to back down a couple hundred meters to the first available pullout.
Tareef Dedhar reported on: Jul 07, 2024
road is heavily potholed. not a problem for crossovers or better, but just slows you down

some point along the east-west section is a deep water bar that will require good angles to clear. at the impasse point marked on this map, i managed to get past in my Jeep Compass, so that's probably a bit melodramatic. actual impasse is at 970m where the road goes north
Rob Pargee reported on: Jan 30, 2024
at about 14.5km near the end of the road
The recent slide that was reported on Jan 28th must have been cleared up. Quite a bit of recent rockfall I had to roll off the road but no major slides. Water bar 1.75km from the end point of the road at 780m elevation is getting worse. Water is no longer going through the culvert and is eroding a new channel. Basically no snow on the road. Most AWD should be able to make it to about the 14.5km mark as of Jan 30.
Nat Mud reported on: Jan 28, 2024
FOUND IPHONE: text me 250-300-6616.
Snow is basically all gone up to ~10km up the road. However, heavy rains overnight on January 27-28 caused a mudslide about 2km up the FSR that is impassable unless you have a high clearance 4WD pickup (shoutout to the fellas who towed me back across on Jan 28). The mud was about knee deep for 100 m. Conditions change dramatically.
SWBC Peak Baggers reported on: Jan 07, 2024
[From Chris Jamieson] - Tamihi FSR is in good shape and pretty much any vehicle can make it to where we started. Snow started to show up around 10km. There is a big washout about 1.5km from the trailhead and even through I was 80% sure my truck could handle it, we decided to park and walk the extra distance rather than risk getting stuck. In hind sight, I totally could have made it. There was about 3” of fresh snow where we parked and it got gradually deeper as we went.
Erin Pedersen reported on: Nov 12, 2023
The road has some big puddles (full road width), a few small waterbars and one very big ditch around 49.00220, -121.73638 (probably the same one mentioned below by Francis). We were in a 4x4 Bronco and it was no problem, although someone did get out to spot on the way in (easier to see on the way out). The ditch is only about 1.7km from where we parked.
Francis Bailey reported on: May 30, 2023
The water bar in question
Road is in rough shape in the latter sections with numerous water bars. There is a show stopper washout/water bar about 1km before the end. I just barely made it through with a Tacoma.