Upper Flathead FSR - Bulletin
Greg Jones reported on: Aug 18, 2024
From Corbin, this road is in good shape to the Barnes Lake turnoff at 4.5 km. After that it deteriorates, but was in decent shape for us to get a Subaru to the big washout at 10.5 km.
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Sorry I just realized I had the direction of the road wrong. I’ve flipped it around now. Does that mean 10.5km corresponds to the 27-28km mark now or is the washout still 10.5km from the start?
Greg Jones - 185d
No you have it right, it counts up from the jct with Lodgepole as per Steve's note below. The washout in this case is at "26.5KM"
Greg Jones - 185d
But there are washouts further south. Basically, both ends of this road (Corbin from the north, and Lodgepole from the south) are driveable a certain distance, and the middle of the road segment is washed out for a ways.
Thanks Greg, I flipped it back and I see so no way to drive through but options to reach some sections of it depending on direction. Makes sense, thank you!