Upper Flathead FSR

Rocky Mountain Natural Resource District
Road Details
Condition Somewhat Degraded (Last updated 32d)
Condition Details Road has rough spots, water bars or moderate washouts and may require high-clearance 4WD
Closures No Posted Closures
Length 36.84km
Owner District Manager Rocky Mountain (drm)
Waypoints Download GPX
Road Description

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Road Bulletins
Greg Jones reported on: Aug 18, 2024
From Corbin, this road is in good shape to the Barnes Lake turnoff at 4.5 km. After that it deteriorates, but was in decent shape for us to get a Subaru to the big washout at 10.5 km.
Steven Noel reported on: Aug 12, 2024
Km 21.5 bridge
Km 21.5 bridge
Of note, this road might benefit from subdividing into segments as its conditions (and name) varies considerably. Most access comes via the Lodgepole/Harvey arriving at what this site labels km 37. Heading south from here, the road is in good, 2WD shape to ~km 65 and the junction with the Couldrey FSR. From the Couldrey FSR to the border it is Somewhat Degraded, especially the last couple km to the old border crossing where it gets muddy with some wet spots. South of the junction with the Kishinena FSR (km 53) its name changes to the Flathead Border FSR. Heading North from the Lodgepole, the road is called the Upper Flathead FSR and numbers count up. This road is also rougher with some rocky spots that have been underwater in recent high water events. The bridge at ~km 21.5 is in poor shape (see photos) but was crossed with a spotter. We left the road at ~km 17.5 to head up the McLatchie so cannot comment between there and Corbin, though I have heard its high clearance 4WD only.
Anton Kanevskyi reported on: Oct 15, 2023
Road in ok condition. Lots of rocks in some places. A few sketchy bridges, but passable even with a full size truck. Spotter preferred.