Mike Hiker

Join Date: Oct 04, 2023

Location: Not Specified

Contribution Points: 34

Bulletins: 5
(6 points each)
Photos: 2
(2 points each)

Recent Contributions

Texas Creek FSR

About 2km in there is rock slides along the road that will stop most stock 4x4's.

Mike Hiker - Apr 13, 2024

Road is washed out completly at 750m, the last 500m of road are 4WD HC.

Mike Hiker - Sep 09, 2023
Cornwall Hills FSR

Muddy section at the switchbacks around 1500m is 4WD HC, my stock 4runner made it no problem.

Mike Hiker - Sep 24, 2023
Arrowstone Creek FSR

Heading south from Arrowstone Hills Peak it was 4WDHC until this washed out section around 1450m that was impassible by my stock 4runner.

Mike Hiker - Sep 24, 2023
Della Creek FSR

Road blocked due to landslide / rockfall at 1275m up to that point there are two sections of the road that have decent rutting from water run off and ...

Mike Hiker - May 14, 2023