John Lloyd

Join Date: Apr 29, 2024

Location: Not Specified

Contribution Points: 18

Bulletins: 3
(6 points each)
Photos: 0
(2 points each)

Recent Contributions

North Kwoiek Creek FSR

Impassible. Overgrown thick bush

John Lloyd - May 17, 2023
Tipella Creek 900

Fully overgrown, boulders, old growth deadfall. Impassible on 4x4, ATV, and motorbike. Bushwhack on foot Class III/IV bushwhack

John Lloyd - Apr 06, 2024
Sampson Creek West Mainline

Some debris on road, lots of alder and bush in sections, driveable to end in High clearance AWD, paint job ruined. Not recommended unless 4x4 high cl...

John Lloyd - May 27, 2023