Liumchen East FSR

Chilliwack Natural Resource District
Road Details
Condition Somewhat Degraded (Last updated 89d)
Condition Details Road has rough spots, water bars or moderate washouts and may require high-clearance 4WD
Closures No Posted Closures
Length 14.85km
Owner District Manager Chilliwack (dck)
Waypoints Download GPX
Road Description

No description.

Road Bulletins
Heath Anderson reported on: Jun 22, 2024
Road partially blocked at the junction with LE12000. Looked to be 6’ wide or so but I didn’t pull out the tape measure.
No major washouts on this road, just some cross ditches to go though. Most are quite small, but some steeper ones closer to the top. I scraped the hitch on 2 with my 19* departure angle and being careless. Something like a rav4 should be no problem. Road was super dry and dusty and clear of snow. Quite popular with dirt bikes so something to be mindful of. Road partially blocked at the junction with LE12000 or 12.25km.
James Gu reported on: May 31, 2024
No gate, snow from 1200m, about 2km from Church Mountain trial head.
Andrew Knapman reported on: Nov 25, 2023
Drove all the way to the Liumchen East 12000 spur just fine in a 4x4 with reasonable clearance (Jeep Cherokee). Lots of cross ditches but nothing huge, no gate that we saw. Snow stopped us going further but we did hike the spur and I saw nothing that would stop you reaching the end once the snow is gone. Doesn't require 4x4 but high clearance would be nice, an SUV may scrape at times
Erin Pedersen reported on: Nov 18, 2023
The gate is gone but there are over 40 cross ditches now. Ice/snow started to appear on the road above 1000m, and we parked at 1200m (with 4x4) since the snow got kinda deep. With chains you could maybe drive all the way to 1450m as long as there isn't much new snow.
Francis Bailey reported on: May 13, 2023
The new gate
I was able to drive up to the 1040m mark before hitting a newly installed gate. A party had just been up there a week before and reported no gate, so this was a very recent addition. After walking further up the road we found heavy equipment that appeared to be restarting logging operations.