Ben Eby Maintainer

Join Date: Jul 04, 2024

Location: Not Specified

Contribution Points: 88

Bulletins: 13
(6 points each)
Photos: 5
(2 points each)

Recent Contributions


There were reports that the creek was impassible at the pulled bridge on the first switchback. But there is a walking bridge and a 4x4 bypass. It's a ...

Ben Eby - Jul 19, 2024
G,H,I - AMD 107

Was in pretty good shape, we connected Ault and Green mountain roads through here.

Ben Eby - Jul 18, 2024
M - AMD 109

Was in pretty good shape, we connected Ault and Green mountain roads through here.

Ben Eby - Jul 18, 2024
Ault Creek FSR

Good condition besides the super deep waterbars. We came down this road from the green mountain road.

Ben Eby - Jul 18, 2024
Green Mountain Road

We managed to drive my stock(ish) Tacoma (It's a bush truck I don't mind denting or scratching though), up to 1900m where we got stopped by snow. Abov...

Ben Eby - Jul 18, 2024
Big Sheep Mountain Road

See my report from: 131.200A & B, AMD 32

This road is overgrown down lower but surprisingly good higher up, With some chainsaw work you could like...

Ben Eby - Jul 01, 2024
North Kwoiek Creek FSR

0 stars, don't recommend!
Only slightly better than bushwacking completely, only saving grace is its a flat roadbed still. There is no easy way to cr...

Ben Eby - Jul 09, 2024
Downton Creek FSR

4 barricades now, and some deck boards pulled. There are some planks stretched out for bikes/dirt bikes to get across. After the bridge the road is fi...

Ben Eby - Jun 01, 2024
Laluwissin Mountain FSR

Has a couple water bars that might stop a car, any SUV or 4x4 will have no problem to the top

Ben Eby - Jul 01, 2024
Laluwissin Creek FSR

2wd the whole way, generally good condition. Usually lots of washboards heading up the hill on the Fraser River side

Ben Eby - Jul 01, 2024
Texas Creek FSR

Drive to the new gate in a Tacoma. Biked up almost to molybdenite lake. Even if the gate was open the 7k slide would stop any vehicle.

Closed indef...

Ben Eby - May 06, 2024

Drove as far as the big sheep mountain road (13k). It was easy going. A few potholes and a few rocks but well graded, smooth and fast. Still lots of l...

Ben Eby - Jul 02, 2024
Sheep Mountain West FSR

Road is generally good, a few deep grass filled ditches from pulled culverts. Drove to 1715m on the RH fork spur, then backtracked and parked at the f...

Ben Eby - Jul 02, 2024