Road Bulletins

Lawless-Britton FSR

[From UntrammelledTravels] - less maintained than Tulameen but still in excellent condition. However, road is blocked at ~2.9km mark. See: https://www...

SWBC Peak Baggers - Sep 26, 2023
Lawless-Grasshopper FSR

[From UntrammelledTravels] - 4WD not necessary but may be nice to have on the steeper sections. Road is well maintained. See: https://www.untrammelled...

SWBC Peak Baggers - Sep 26, 2023
E-300 Branch

[From Untrammelled Travels] - E300 is still driveable with a stock 4x4 and Elaho/Squamish Valley FSRs were easily driven up to this point. See: https:...

SWBC Peak Baggers - May 30, 2023
Spius Creek FSR

[From UntrammelledTravels] - bridge is confirmed out at the 9.5km mark. UntrammelledTravels also drove in from the East via the Maka-Murray FSR and di...

SWBC Peak Baggers - Oct 10, 2023
Spius South FSR

[From Untrammelled Travels] - Road is driveable to the junction with Spius Creek FSR. After which the bridge is out. See: https://www.untrammelledtrav...

SWBC Peak Baggers - Oct 10, 2023
Lower Maka Creek FSR

[From UntrammelledTravels] - bridge is in over Maka Creek. See:

SWBC Peak Baggers - Oct 10, 2023
Ross - Anglemont FSR

easy 2wd. Only a couple of potholes when the pavement ends.

Matt Juhasz - Nov 10, 2023
Upper Ross Creek Connector

Good access road to snowmobile or hike Mt Fowler. I couldn't complete the drive up or hike on this day because snow was getting deep and success was u...

Matt Juhasz - Nov 10, 2023
Francis Main Branch 400

Not passable for bicycle or any other vehicle. Hike only.

Matt Juhasz - Nov 15, 2023
Upper Francis Main

Road impassable beyond the intersection just beyond 0.5km on this map. Park at intersection and hike from there.

Matt Juhasz - Nov 15, 2023
Francis Main

Good condition. One steep slope drops some rocks onto road, might wash out in the future. Bush slightly encroaching. Good to go for AWD to the end of ...

Matt Juhasz - Nov 15, 2023
Raft Peak 292A Spur

Big sharp rocks and steeper grades required to reach uppermost turnaround. 2wd vehicles should park at the sign kiosk (winter snowmobile parking area)...

Matt Juhasz - Nov 01, 2023
Raft Peak FSR

This road is maintained to 2wd condition. Be careful following google directions for this area. Google attempts to navigate via some deactivated roads...

Matt Juhasz - Nov 01, 2023
Ross Creek-Anglemont North Spur

Very easy drive with Jeep, some features will challenge 2wd vehicles. Large flat turnaround area at 1530m

Matt Juhasz - Nov 10, 2023
CP303 Block 2 Access Spur

Easy AWD up here. Low erosion and plenty of logging activity.

Matt Juhasz - Nov 19, 2023
Hendrix Lake Mine Road

Drove to 6.5km at which point I turned around and parked due to snow depth. Road in good 2WD condition with a little bit of encroachment from bush. Sm...

Matt Juhasz - Nov 20, 2023
Cardinalis Creek FSR

Gate at the start is locked and never seem to be open. Fairly easy on a bike though sections of steep and rough necessities pushing.

Steven Song - Dec 06, 2023
South Spencer Road

This road has since been repaired, but I just wanted to include the massive washout we encountered when attempting to drive into the Kwioek Creek area...

Francis Bailey - Jul 30, 2022
Cardinalis Creek HS100 Spur

Rough for biking but doable in a fat bike or MTB with sturdy tires.

Steven Song - Dec 06, 2023
Empire Valley Road

2WD shape from Gang Ranch bridge to Black Dome Mountain turn-off.

Steven Song - Dec 03, 2023
Meadow Lake Road

Deep and remote, but drivable easily in any 2WD car.. Slightly rougher with washboards on the section parallel Fraser Canyon, but still in 2WD shape. ...

Steven Song - Dec 03, 2023
Black Dome Road

Road is private with "no trespassing" sign at the start, though not gated. The gate at 26 km is permanently closed with more "no trespassing" signs. R...

Steven Song - Dec 03, 2023
Soo River Branch 5

A logging crew had plowed the road up to the 2km mark for their heli operation. The road beyond had around 20-30cm of snow. With chains you may be abl...

Francis Bailey - Dec 02, 2023
Soo River FSR

There was about a foot of snow on the way in this morning, but after a kilometre in the road was suddenly plowed. We drove all the way to Branch 5 whe...

Francis Bailey - Dec 02, 2023
Hurley River FSR

[From iSurvivedTheHurley] - snow line starts at the Branch 12 (Tenquille Trail) turn off. The road is confined to a single track and chains are highly...

SWBC Peak Baggers - Nov 25, 2023
Airplane Creek FSR

Road is steep but driveable with medium clearance 4x4 up to 590m elevation, where there is a massive cross ditch that is probably impassable without h...

Hh Crerar - Nov 18, 2023
Foley Creek FSR

Road is covered in massive lakes up to 1ft deep. There is one large ditch that is probably impassable to all non-ATVs but a bypass has been made throu...

Hh Crerar - Nov 18, 2023
New Borden FSR

As mentioned in other bulletins on Borden FSR, there's a large section of road that has washed away down a steep embankment. It's around 650m in eleva...

Francis Bailey - Nov 29, 2023
Rutherford Creek 47-2 Spur

The road was snow covered for us either way, but hiking up you could easily see the road has been severely washed out a short way up.

Andrew Knapman - Nov 29, 2023
Rutherford Creek West FSR

We only drove the initial portion, a couple of hundred meters, but it was in good shape. This spur/bridge doesn't show on many maps at the time of wri...

Andrew Knapman - Nov 29, 2023