Road Bulletins

Rutherford Creek FSR

We drove to the bridge over Rutherford Creek around 17km in and it was all in great shape, though very icy at the time we went. I wasn't driving but I...

Andrew Knapman - Nov 29, 2023
Soo River Branch 5

Steep all the way and loose at places necessitates 4wd or good power. Drove to 1170m elevation and parked as snow got too deep for my like.

Steven Song - Nov 28, 2023
Murdo Creek ES103A Spur

Drove to the end in Tacoma with all terrain tires , scraped bottom slightly both ways on one water bar

Steven Song - Nov 29, 2023
Borden Creek Branch 4

Walked past this road on the way to Mount Mcguire and it appears the bridge is out and the road is impassible.

Francis Bailey - Nov 29, 2023
Borden Creek FSR

Drove as far as the washed out bridge at the 8km mark (~3.5km from the New Bordern FSR junction). The 4x4 bypass still look feasible, however there wa...

Francis Bailey - Nov 29, 2023
Liumchen East FSR

Drove all the way to the Liumchen East 12000 spur just fine in a 4x4 with reasonable clearance (Jeep Cherokee). Lots of cross ditches but nothing huge...

Andrew Knapman - Nov 25, 2023
Liumchen East 12000 Spur

We only hiked it while covered with a thin snow layer. Saw no issues that would prevent driving up in terms of the road. No overgrowth, no significant...

Andrew Knapman - Nov 25, 2023
Hanson Creek FSR

Closed but unlocked gate at 0KM, Hanson Creek FSR is much steeper than Norrish but still well graded for the first ~1km at least. After pasing a recen...

Sean Caulfield - Apr 30, 2023
Norrish Creek FSR

Pic of the locked gate

Sean Caulfield - Apr 30, 2023
Norrish Creek FSR

$30 4WDABC membership gets you the gate code, road was in good condition & doable in almost any vehicle to the Hanson Creek turnoff (for DeRoche Mount...

Sean Caulfield - Apr 30, 2023
Anderson River South FSR

Much of the road bed is in okay shape and is atleast bikeable, but there are numerous washouts/impasses (at least 3) along the way and several very ov...

Francis Bailey - Aug 12, 2023
Lost Creek FSR

Rough with lots of big pot-holes past Statlu's turn-off. Very slow going. Deactivation ditch at ~15.5 km was bypassible with 4x4, HC vehicles (Taco, 4...

Steven Song - Nov 26, 2023
Terepocki Creek FSR

Massive ditch at the start scraped the bottom of a Tacoma with all terrain tires, but manageable. Drove about 1.5 km before being stopped by impassibl...

Steven Song - Nov 26, 2023
Quarry Road

Two locked gates with "no trespassing" signs. Trespassed nevertheless and got caught on the way back. Some heavy lecturing and arguing but managed wit...

Steven Song - Nov 24, 2023
Widgeon Creek FSR

Biked to ~200m before the bridge crossing Widgeon Creek. Once leaving Widgeon Lake trail becomes overgrown. The bridge is in.

Steven Song - Nov 24, 2023
Squamish River Branch 200

Manageable for AWD with reasonable clearance. Vigilant driving required for first 3.5km with a couple steeper sections with ruts in the road. Manageab...

Mark Demers - Nov 25, 2023
Eight Mile Creek Branch 17

Only driveable to the creek after which the bridge is out

Francis Bailey - Nov 25, 2023
Eight Mile Creek FSR

We were able to drive all the way to the junction with Branch 17 (3.75km mark) in a cross trek without a issue. A few water bars required picking a go...

Francis Bailey - Nov 25, 2023
Seven Mile Creek FSR

We were able to drive about 2km up before hitting snow. After this point we walked, but the road appeared driveable until the creek crossing just befo...

Francis Bailey - May 11, 2021
Tearse Creek FSR

[From Tiger Lu] - There was some snow on the FSR after Sunshine Village, but we were able to drive to the locked gate, after which we walked on the ro...

SWBC Peak Baggers - Nov 18, 2023
Klesiikwa Branch 1020

[From Jay Jay] - snow on the majority of the road and no gate at the base was noted. May be drive able to the very end in the summer time

SWBC Peak Baggers - Nov 19, 2023
Tatlayoko Road

A nice dirt road. Moderately trafficked when we were there

Chris Gulka - Jun 30, 2023
Fountain Valley EB.1 Spur

HC 4x4. Muddy, narrow. Not a lot of places to park. Used to access Peanut Lake trail to Moore Peak

Steven Song - Nov 05, 2023
Skwellepil Creek FSR

No significant change. Loose, rough and steep with water bars. HC 4x4 like a Tacoma will get to the usual parking. ATVs can go even further as an ATV ...

Steven Song - Sep 21, 2023
Hat Creek 4642 Spur

Two barbed wire fences. Easy walking conditions. Road extends farther than shown here.

Steven Song - Nov 19, 2023
Hat Creek 464 Spur

Road goes into Private Property right away with locked gate within 1 km from the start, and signs of "no through road". It's in walking shape but not ...

Steven Song - Nov 19, 2023
Jones-Crusher FSR

[From Caro Coco] - After the turnoff to Conway Peak at the Jones Lake Recreation Reserve, the road get significantly rougher, and wouldn't be passable...

SWBC Peak Baggers - Nov 20, 2023
Jones Lake FSR

[From Caro Coco] - the road to Jones/Wahleach Lake was no problem, with some potholes but nothing a 2wd car couldn't handle

SWBC Peak Baggers - Nov 20, 2023
Nemaiah Valley Road

A good compact dirt road. No big potholes or anything. This road was snowfree, while the Taseko Lake road was icy and snowy. 2wd friendly unless there...

Chris Gulka - Nov 18, 2023
Soo River Branch 5

[From Tareef Dedhar] - Road was icier than Wednesday, stopped at 1150m due to traction loss, even with chains on my front tires. Probably could've mad...

SWBC Peak Baggers - Nov 19, 2023