Road Bulletins

Glinz Lake Road

There is a locked gate at 200m elevation, it's a paved road all the way to the lake where it's the YMCA camp. Sign at the gate says No trespassing so ...

Alan Blair - Dec 20, 2023
Florence Lake FSR

Drove as far as R100 towards Rolley Peak. Lots of potholes but still 2WD accessible to this point

Silvana Doria - Dec 11, 2023
Rolley Creek FSR

Active logging with "road closed to public" sign

Silvana Doria - Dec 11, 2023
Hope Mountain Branch 202

Completely overgrown with alders and not driveable

Francis Bailey - Dec 17, 2023
Hope Mountain Branch 100

Drive-able until just past the first switch back. A few deep water bars that we could see under the snow, but the road appears otherwise intact.

Francis Bailey - Dec 17, 2023
Slollicum Creek FSR

I connected to this road via the slollicum trail from the 200 branch below. From where the trail intersected the road I could see an open gate a few h...

Christopher Jamieson - Dec 17, 2023
Hope Mountain FSR

Snowline currently at 600m. There are a few waterbars that you need a SUV or Truck for currently. Parts of the road above 600m that did not have snow,...

Alex Barker - Dec 17, 2023
Statlu Creek FSR

Washout at 9.5 km could be driven in a narrow, lifted Jeep or ATV. Might be possible in a Tacoma but did not try. Not worth driving further anyway.

Steven Song - Dec 17, 2023
E-200 Branch

The bridge over Elaho River is in. We only drove a short ways past it as it was too snowy. Seems to be active for logging still

Francis Bailey - Dec 16, 2023
Elaho Main

Drove about 1km past the E-200 branch. Snow starts immediately after the bridge and the road is not plowed. However, most of the snow is melted out. W...

Francis Bailey - Dec 16, 2023
Shovelnose Creek FSR

Snow started around 400m, and we were able to drive up to ~650m with chains on.

Francis Bailey - Dec 16, 2023
Squamish River FSR

Drove all the way to Elaho mainline. The road has been plowed and there’s only a few slushy sections, but otherwise 2WD

Francis Bailey - Dec 16, 2023
Soo River Branch 5

Plowed to ~900m. 2WD to 750m; AWD to 900m.

Roxy Bauer - Dec 16, 2023
HC Main Branch 650

Excellent condition up here. Easy 4x4

Matt Juhasz - Dec 13, 2023
HC Main Branch 600

Excellent condition road even though it is a bit older. Waterbars are large but very smooth. Even a long+low pick up truck could make it up here witho...

Matt Juhasz - Dec 13, 2023
HC Main

Road is smooth and clear. 2wd friendly

Matt Juhasz - Dec 13, 2023
Bamfield Main Branch 1600

This road goes way higher than this map indicates. It is in good shape with waterbars starting right from Bamfield Main and getting progressively more...

Matt Juhasz - Dec 13, 2023
Blenhaim Main Branch 700

2wd friendly with small/medium waterbars that require some clearance

Matt Juhasz - Dec 13, 2023
Blenheim Main

2wd friendly surface but small-medium waterbars require clearance.

Matt Juhasz - Dec 13, 2023
Statlu Creek FSR

Drove up to the Branch 7300/South Statlu FSR turn off at ~7.5km. There was an old layer of snow on the road, but tire tracks were down to bare rock an...

Francis Bailey - Dec 12, 2023
Statlu Peak East FSR

Long since deactivated road. It's heavily choked up with alders and not worth walking. Thankfully the flanks of the road have pruned second growth and...

Francis Bailey - Dec 12, 2023
Statlu Creek Branch 1000

We only walked a small part of this spur but we could see the entire thing as we walked through the cut block. There's a few water bars but it's other...

Francis Bailey - Dec 12, 2023
Chehalis FSR

Minimal to no snow up to the Statlu Creek turn off at 15km

Francis Bailey - Dec 12, 2023
South Statlu FSR

Only drove the 1km mark and then walked another 1.5km. However, the road looks in good condition further beyond. We stopped as weren't sure how icy th...

Francis Bailey - Dec 12, 2023
Chehalis FSR

[From Catherine Graham] - a few inches of snow on Chehalis but still driveable

SWBC Peak Baggers - Dec 10, 2023
Stinking Lake West Branch

Gate at start, unlocked, but says no motorized access. Otherwise it’s in 4WD HC shape, chainsaw action needed to clear some blowdowns. Otherwise easil...

Steven Song - Dec 10, 2023
Deadman-Cache Creek Road

2WD conditions from west end to at least Pass Valley. Did not explore farther. West end of road starts from all the way at Highway 1 only a few km fro...

Steven Song - Dec 10, 2023
Battle Creek FSR

Road closed between Highway 1 and Pass Valley/Deadman-Cache Creek Connector. It was blocked by an landslide in Oct. 2021 around 3 km and was still "cl...

Steven Song - Dec 10, 2023
Roe Creek FSR

Drove the road to 2.9km, fully snow covered. We used chains but good snow tires would be fine still as it isn’t too steep or deep snow. As previously ...

Andrea Tate - Dec 10, 2023
Sloquet Creek Main

We were able to drive the ~11.7km mark where we parked before heading up to the Fire Spires. There was a bunch of logging occurring on the upper slope...

Francis Bailey - May 21, 2022