Road Bulletins

North Creek FSR

[From Laurent Schoenacker] - able to drive all the way to the trail head at the 3km mark. Alders not fully buried after this and neither were creek cr...

SWBC Peak Baggers - Dec 29, 2023
North Creek East - Sampson Connector

[From Laurent Schoenacker] - I have a 4runner and put the chains on at the junction where the road leaves the Lillooet FSR, but i could’ve made it wit...

SWBC Peak Baggers - Dec 29, 2023
Lillooet River FSR

[From Laurent Schoenacker] - road was in good condition up to the north creek area at kilometer 17. However, on my way back I came across the gate to ...

SWBC Peak Baggers - Dec 29, 2023
Slollicum Creek FSR

Road is newly built but has some cross-ditches for the winter. Low clearance vehicles and trucks with a long wheel base will likely get high-centered ...

Justine Stoeckly - Dec 29, 2023
J Branch

Good condition. Active logging in 2023 has improved road condition. Drove to about 4km. Parked at old Mount Freda Trailhead (2.5km).

Jason Addy - Dec 17, 2023
Phelix Creek Branch 4

Good condition all the way to the end of the road and bridges are good. No features that would make this difficult in summer. Only difficulty is ice a...

Donal Dignan - Dec 26, 2023
Phelix Creek FSR

Road in good condition up to fork at 4.4 km. Not used above that as took left turn. No issues seen with road surface. Only difficulty is snow and ice ...

Donal Dignan - Dec 26, 2023
Blackwater Creek FSR

Road in good condition. Mix of compact snow and ice on upper half turning to slush depending on temperatures. Any vehicle could drive the road. May ne...

Donal Dignan - Dec 26, 2023
Mount Cheam FSR

[From Snydal Jon] - able to drive up to the 2km mark where the snow was around 6” to a 1’ deep on the road. Turned back due to daylight

SWBC Peak Baggers - Dec 27, 2023
Chipmunk Creek FSR

[From Snydal Jon] - able to drive to mount Cheam FSR turn off without issue. No chains necessary to this point

SWBC Peak Baggers - Dec 27, 2023
Shovelnose Creek FSR

[From Fernando Lessa] - Could drive my high Clarence car up to 700m ( not the best rd, but doable). Snow level is at around 1000m. Was raining hard ( ...

SWBC Peak Baggers - Dec 26, 2023
Mamquam FSR

[From FortisBC] - the road is getting regarded as part of the ongoing EGP project all the way up Ray Basin (Indian River FSR junction)

SWBC Peak Baggers - Dec 27, 2023
Indian River FSR

[From Jonathan Van] - the road appears to be getting regularly plowed. There is currently work being done up to the 10km mark as part of: https://talk...

SWBC Peak Baggers - Dec 12, 2023
Bridal Falls FSR

The road is not drivable after approx 7km from the Fraser Valley side and has been like this for many years. It continues as a hiking trail that conne...

Claudia Schwab - Dec 27, 2023
Kearsley Creek FSR

[From Chris Jamieson] - the snow starts around the 6km mark but the road is gated anyhow so it only makes a difference for carrying snowshoes/skis

SWBC Peak Baggers - Dec 23, 2023
Jones Lake FSR

[From Scott Gue] - the road was reportedly quite mellow. Sufficient snow for snowshoes didn’t start until 1200m

SWBC Peak Baggers - Dec 24, 2023
Paleface Creek Branch 2300

[From Hêdy Xor] - branch was driveable to ~2km in a Honda CRV after which the snow was too deep. Snow line is therefore around 1200m

SWBC Peak Baggers - Dec 23, 2023
Diamond Head Road

[From Jonathon Wong] - road is snow free to ~1000m

SWBC Peak Baggers - Dec 26, 2023
Brandywine Creek Upper Spur

[From Mike Buda] - driveable up to the first switchback at 930m probably without chains. Above 1000m the snowpack on the road will be difficult drivin...

SWBC Peak Baggers - Dec 26, 2023
Brandywine Creek FSR

[From Mike Buda] - Brandywine FSR is easily drivable to the parking lot at 800m

SWBC Peak Baggers - Dec 26, 2023
Hurley River Branch 12

10-30 cm of snow on the road, fast skinning conditions but many open creeks that required removing skis. Looks more like late October rather than late...

Fisal Elstone - Dec 23, 2023
Hurley River FSR

We exited Tenquille Lake Hut via branch 12 FSR and the Hurley FSR on December 23rd. There were many open creek crossings on branch 12 and only about 1...

Fisal Elstone - Dec 23, 2023

FSR is in fine condition, several annoying little water bars all the way up so probably not good for 2wd. Snow on the road starting around 1000m, was ...

Roberto Castro - Dec 23, 2023
Shovelnose Creek FSR

Consistent snow started around 900m (with a few small bare patches here and there) and we were able to drive up to about 1050m

Joe John - Dec 23, 2023

I love this road. Well marked and easy to drive all the way to Tipella, good 2wd shape. South of Tipella, where the Road becomes W Harrison (at the N ...

Chris Gulka - Dec 15, 2023
Sloquet Creek Main

Some potholes and rough sections, but no major obstacles. There is active logging. A couple inches of icy snow that melted by the time we left 2 days ...

Chris Gulka - Dec 16, 2023
Crowley Creek FSR

[From Caro Coco] - The FSR is in great condition, and the snow so shallow that it's probably drivable for 3+ km with a 4x4 and good winter tires. I co...

SWBC Peak Baggers - Dec 20, 2023
Mount Wood FSR

Lots of haul roads spur roads mountain bike trails dirt bike trails and hiking trails to get to the top of Mount Wood. The previous road we used to ge...

Alan Blair - Dec 20, 2023
Oliphant Lake FSR

This whole area is actively being logged so you can expect the gate to be locked most of the time. Mix of dirt bike trails horsetrails and mountain bi...

Alan Blair - Dec 19, 2023
Ayum Creek FSR

The road to the lake is in good shape but has a gate at 200m elevation. Once you start on this section it's just an overgrown logging road. Not drivea...

Alan Blair - Dec 20, 2023