Kelly Wilson

Join Date: Aug 20, 2024

Location: Not Specified

Contribution Points: 90

Bulletins: 15
(6 points each)
Photos: 0
(2 points each)

Recent Contributions


Good until flat section at ~ 1430 m, then becomes very bushy/overgrown with occasional small water bars and one eroded section which will test your cl...

Kelly Wilson - Sep 07, 2024
Hope Creek FSR

In great shape as far as East Hope Creek junction (just past 7 km).

Kelly Wilson - Sep 07, 2024
Kingdom Lakes Branch 5

No major washouts or obstacles but too overgrown to be driven by anything larger than an ATV (beyond first ~ 100 m).

Kelly Wilson - Aug 30, 2024
Kingdom Lakes FSR

No change from previous report. Road still is good shape except for some pot holes and a minor washout ~ 1.5 km before the Whitecap trailhead spur.

Kelly Wilson - Aug 30, 2024
Ash Main

In great shape. Possibly even paved. Don't recall for sure.
Took this to Stirling to Gracie to Nahmint to Kiltsa trailhead.
All in great shape with ...

Kelly Wilson - Jul 31, 2024
Stirling Arm Main

In great shape. Not gated.

Kelly Wilson - Jul 31, 2024
Stirling Arm area SHIPCREEK

In great shape. Not gated midweek.

Kelly Wilson - Jul 31, 2024
Gracie Main

In great shape from Stirling to Gracie Hookup (heading to Kiltsa)

Kelly Wilson - Jul 31, 2024
Gracie Hookup

In great shape. Not gated.

Kelly Wilson - Jul 31, 2024

In good shape until fork at ~ 690 m.
Then very bushy with some large cross ditches for final km to Klitsa trailhead at 800 m. I drove to end in my FJ...

Kelly Wilson - Jul 31, 2024
Nahmint Main

Road to great shape to turn off to Klitsa spur (as far as I went).
Passed a grader on my way back.
Not gated midweek (unlike most of the southern is...

Kelly Wilson - Jul 31, 2024
Stowe Main

Full road not shown on this map. Road has been recently graded and is great shape all the to Hkusam trailhead at ~ 700 m elevation.

Kelly Wilson - Aug 03, 2024

Increasing bushy the higher you go. Obviously hasn't been driven in years. Although some effort has been made to make more passable on foot or skis in...

Kelly Wilson - Aug 17, 2024
Box Canyon FSR

A few small water bars near the start.
Rocky and somewhat eroded at creek crossing at ~ 480 m elevation (there used to be a bridge here but its long...

Kelly Wilson - Aug 17, 2024
Rainy River FSR

The gate at Port Mellon is manned 24x7. However, you're allowed to enter during daylight hours only. Once in, you're free to stay overnight.
As othe...

Kelly Wilson - Aug 17, 2024