Road Bulletins

Tamihi Creek FSR

Road is in rough shape in the latter sections with numerous water bars. There is a show stopper washout/water bar about 1km before the end. I just bar...

Francis Bailey - May 30, 2023
Centre Creek FSR

We were able to drive to the 6km mark where the road becomes washed out and overgrown. A few deep waterbars along the way, so we were happy to have a ...

Francis Bailey - Jun 11, 2023
Trio Creek WH93-1 Spur

The road was gated only 2km in and 600m elevation. We walked the rest and found the road in good condition. Higher up they're building out more roads,...

Francis Bailey - Jun 03, 2023
Trio Creek FSR

Gate was open and the road was in good condition. We were able to drive up to the "Chicken Spur" without any issues in a truck

Francis Bailey - Jun 03, 2023
Jamie Creek West Branch

The West Jamie Creek fork was in great condition until the Boralex site. Here the bridge has been removed. However, you can still find a crossing for ...

Francis Bailey - Jul 31, 2022
Chance Creek FSR

Road is in pretty good condition to about 1000m elevation - we made it in a Subaru forester. Beyond that you can drive up with a high clearance 4x4 (w...

Andrea Tate - Jul 01, 2023
Jamie Creek FSR

The gate was locked as expected, but we had a dirtbike to bypass it. The upper sections of the road are in fantastic condition and if unlocked would b...

Francis Bailey - Jul 31, 2022
Nesakwatch Creek FSR

Made it up to Slesse / Nesakwatch trailhead in an SUV and saw other small low clearance vehicles parked just before the last washout. Road is in prett...

Andrea Tate - Jul 09, 2023
Speyum Creek FSR

Possible to bike the first 2-3km after the boulders on North Bend FSR. But shortly after the road turns west it becomes very overgrown with alder

Chris Gulka - Nov 02, 2022
Green River S15 Spur

Despite the condition of the Green River FSR, the upper sections of this road are actually in quite good shape. We encountered some dead fall, but it ...

Francis Bailey - Jul 03, 2023
Slim Creek FSR

Slim Creek was in 2WD drive condition until the bridge across Slim Creek itself. After which there were numerous deep muddy sections and minor deadfal...

Francis Bailey - May 20, 2023
English Creek FSR

I only drove to the English Creek 1600 Spur turn off, but the road was in fairly good condition with some water bars to contend with. Snow free up to ...

Francis Bailey - Mar 19, 2023
English Creek 1600 Spur

Able to drive to about 1km before the road gets washed out. Mostly just water bars to contend with as the lower sections were in relatively good condi...

Francis Bailey - Mar 19, 2023
Haylmore Creek Main

This road is in great condition and appears to have had recent road work done. We drove the Barkley Valley Trail in 2WD conditions. Further beyond, we...

Francis Bailey - Aug 26, 2023
Anderson River Main

Road is impassible in the last 4-500m before the Anderson River crossing. The bridge beyond has had all slopes around it washed out. The structure sti...

Francis Bailey - Aug 12, 2023
Nesakwatch Creek FSR

The road is in great condition and easily driveable to the 5.8km mark. There is one big water bar about 2-300m before the road ends, so one could park...

Francis Bailey - Aug 03, 2023
Brandywine Creek Upper Spur

The road to the upper lot is in especially rough shape. You will almost certainly need a high clearance 4x4 as there are some massive water bars and n...

Francis Bailey - Jul 08, 2023
Skwellepil Creek FSR

The road is in pretty rough shape with a few sections of large loose rocks and wash out. I was able to drive to ~4km where a major landslide prohibite...

Francis Bailey - Jul 30, 2023
Stave River 702-SR5-1 Branch

Overgrown but easily walkable. Used to access The Defendant. At the end of the open road continue trending east and you will be able to pick up scatte...

Chris Gulka - May 27, 2023
North Bend FSR 6000 Branch

Good condition (no waterbars, not loose). Impassable rockfall around 2km from the end (1260m elevation)

Chris Gulka - Nov 02, 2022
Sowaqua Creek FSR

Mostly good condition AWD low clearance, with some large boulders to navigate around. The exception is a huge washout around 11km which has taken out ...

Chris Gulka - Oct 23, 2022
Butter Creek FSR

Impassable by vehicle. Small footpath at the start, then heavily overgrown with alder. A couple remnants of open sections down the valley, but mostly ...

Chris Gulka - Sep 30, 2022
Big Silver Mainline

Narrow and overgrown. Several washed out creek crossings. Passable with high clearance 4x4

Chris Gulka - Sep 29, 2022

In surprisingly good condition, but inaccessible to vehicles due to isolation

Chris Gulka - May 14, 2023
Alouette Lake FSR

4x4 and high clearance helpful at the start due to large loose rocks. Road is in better condition farther down

Chris Gulka - May 14, 2023
Halfmoon Carlson FSR

Intermittent water bars / deactivation ditches. Manageable in a Suburu Crosstrek until nearing the park boundary, at which point the road becomes extr...

Alex Barker - Sep 16, 2023
Hurley River FSR

Lots of washboards in the road from all of the traffic, but otherwise still drive-able in a 2WD

Francis Bailey - Sep 21, 2023