Road Bulletins

Mamquam South Mainline

Road is drivable by a 4WD, SUVs or even 2WD up until the spur to Seed Peak. Only after this point is when it is heavy cross ditched and access is extr...

Matt Sutton - Oct 01, 2023
Mamquam River E23-1 Spur

Drivable by 4WD to almost the end of the spur and start of the Seed Peak trail. Active logging in this area means access is limited Mon-Fri.

Matt Sutton - Oct 01, 2023
Mamquam E-100

New logging has the road open and regularly graded. Has been in excellent condition for AWDs but recently is a little torn up. But still drivable to S...

Matt Sutton - Oct 01, 2023
Mamquam River E23-2 Spur

Drivable till almost the end. Active logging here has the end of the road in rough condition

Matt Sutton - Oct 01, 2023
Gordon River B-Main

Entire Gordon River Road from Port Renfrew to Lake Cowichan is in good condition, fine for 2WD

Jonathan Gugger - Jul 06, 2023
Gordon River C-Main

Entire Gordon River Road from Port Renfrew to Lake Cowichan is in good condition, fine for 2WD

Jonathan Gugger - Jul 06, 2023
Gordon River Main

Entire Gordon River Road from Port Renfrew to Lake Cowichan is in good condition, fine for 2WD. Pacific Marine Rd is paved

Jonathan Gugger - Jul 06, 2023
Gordon River D-Main

Entire Gordon River Road from Port Renfrew to Lake Cowichan is in good condition, fine for 2WD

Jonathan Gugger - Jul 06, 2023
Gordon River A-Main

Entire Gordon River Road from Port Renfrew to Lake Cowichan is in good condition, fine for 2WD

Jonathan Gugger - Jul 06, 2023
Roe Creek C-600 Spur

Closed with a big log and gate at 49.966367, -123.228658

Leonardo Iezzi - Aug 14, 2023
Roe Creek FSR

The road was good but steep. ditch

Leonardo Iezzi - Aug 10, 2023
Brandywine Creek Upper Spur

Rough for sure. Made it up in a 2011 Forester (manual -no lift). Didn’t scrape once. Pick your lines and have some good tires!

Cody Boyes - Aug 31, 2023
Tenas Creek FSR

A bit rough in spots but water bars are not too bad. Watched an old school outback with a Hitch make it to the top of the road with a bit of scraping ...

Cody Boyes - Oct 02, 2023
Mamquam River 210 Spur

Other than being a little rough in a couple of spots, this section of road up to the Dunkeld trailhead is fine. Stock 4x4 drivable

Mike Barrass - Aug 18, 2023
Della Creek FSR

Road blocked due to landslide / rockfall at 1275m up to that point there are two sections of the road that have decent rutting from water run off and ...

Mike Hiker - May 14, 2023
Mamquam South Mainline

The road is for the adventurous. The start is a little overgrown but not much. There is one deep ditch passable in a short to medium wheel base 4x4. I...

Mike Barrass - Aug 18, 2023
Ashlu Main

Bridge over the Ashlu is deteriorating badly and the North Bank under-pinnings are rotting and coming loose. The top of the bridge looks mostly ok, bu...

Dave Wortley - Sep 09, 2023
A-600 Branch

Road to Hydro Dam is in excellent shape, beyond that it's good until Pashoka Creek where there is occasionally a footbridge which will probably get bl...

Dave Wortley - Sep 09, 2023
Borden Creek FSR

Bridge crossing Borden creek at ~920m is washed out but can be driven across with a high clearance 4x4. The remainder of the road is in terrible shape...

Mark Demers - Sep 09, 2023
Ray Creek FSR

Washout near top 49.69500 -123.07200

Blaise Ratcliffe - Oct 02, 2023
Downton Creek FSR

The lock blocks at the 0km bridge on Downton Creek FSR are still pushed apart, easily wide enough for a Nissan Frontier (could drive straight through ...

Sean Caulfield - Sep 30, 2023
Centre Creek FSR

Drivable in Subaru Crosstreck to the marked washout. We think this or similar is the minimum you need for this road.

Youliana Tichelova - Sep 02, 2023
Chehalis-Mystery FSR

For access to statlu lake, we drove as far as the sharp hairpin where the road turns south. Road was in great shape. Low clearance car would be no pro...

Alessandro Lanius - Jul 01, 2023
Kwoiek Creek FSR

No vehicle access, impassable landslide 300m down the road. More landslides after this first one. Felt safe/stable to cross all the slides on foot.

Alessandro Lanius - Jul 11, 2023
Ashnola River FSR

We drove as far as wall creek. Road is in good condition. Two short mild washouts that would probably be passable in a low clearance car and some slow...

Alessandro Lanius - Jul 27, 2023
Rainy River FSR

Super friendly gate lady at the mill, took my name and licence plate and let me through. Road is in easy 2wd shape, no active logging encountered toda...

Sean Caulfield - Aug 19, 2023
Elk Mountain FSR

Road was regraded for logging a couple years back, improving access to the upper trailhead of elk mountain/ Thurston ridge. The last 300m to the trail...

Christopher Jamieson - Jul 29, 2023
Florence Lake FSR

A gate was added to Florence lake FSR by Pomerleau contracting, 500m before the turn off to the Robie reid trailhead/ parking area.

Christopher Jamieson - Aug 19, 2023
Hurley River Branch 12

High Clearance 4x4 required to make it to the trail head. Well maintained otherwise.

Christopher Jamieson - Aug 05, 2023
Ford Mountain FSR

Aggressive washouts at the 2nd and 6th switch back will stop most vehicles. Guys in Lifted Jeeps and 4Runners were making it through no problem

Christopher Jamieson - Jul 02, 2023