Road Bulletins

Dianne Lake Main

Good Condition until ~2km where bridge is removed, and road ends. From there road is FULLY DEACTIVATED, with huge cross ditches dug. Brushed in low,...

Joel Nordman - Sep 17, 2022
Hanson Creek FSR

The road was covered with snow. We had to park at the open gate at the beginning of the road. Our Tacoma without snow chains couldn't make it much fur...

Anton Gerasimov - Mar 03, 2024
Norrish Creek FSR

The gate at 5 km is still open. The road was frozen in the morning, with some snow accumulation beyond 12 km.

Anton Gerasimov - Mar 03, 2024
Stillwater Mainline

Took road to Freda Lake, Alpine main.

Joel Nordman - Jan 06, 2024
Stillwater Mainline

Still water Mainline. This shows the road ending at location known as S-branch, but it continues along new road called Freda branch to Skwim area

Joel Nordman - Jul 21, 2023

Part of Alpine main

Joel Nordman - Jan 06, 2024

E branch in good condition after recent harvesting. Preferred route to Hillton cabin, Vic Cole cabin, Beta Lake, Big Knuckle

Joel Nordman - Jul 08, 2023

F branch in good condition

Joel Nordman - Jul 08, 2023

F branch in good condition, rough road bed

Joel Nordman - Jul 08, 2023
ST E100

E100 leads to Beta Lake Road (not shown) and Vic Cole R.
Road clear to new Kiosks.

Joel Nordman - Jul 08, 2023

Good condition most of road. New Info Kiosk at 0.5km.

Joel Nordman - Jul 08, 2023
Walt Lake Road

Walt Lake Road - Steep and brushed in to ~1.5km. Quad bridges installed from here.

Joel Nordman - Jul 16, 2022
Third Lake Main

Good condition until Khartoom campground. somewhat degraded for the next 1km. Heavily degraded past here.

Joel Nordman - Jul 15, 2023
Freda Branch

Good condition

Joel Nordman - Jul 15, 2023
Centre Lakes Road

Road heavily brushed in from start. Alder were cut, but not cleared from road. One difficult spot that will stop most 4WD even with highclearance, l...

Joel Nordman - Sep 10, 2022
Goat Lake D Branch

Road somewhat degraded until 1km after bridge. Love the bridge, and it is in ok shape. Road bed getting compromised, and holes opening up that need ...

Joel Nordman - Jul 04, 2023
Goat Lake B Branch

Road is good until it is not. Heavily brushed in. One section that needs good clearance. Road then ends at a landslide, 2km before end of road show...

Joel Nordman - Aug 07, 2021
Goat Lake A Branch

A800 Rd. In good condition. Drove to the Trailhead for Emma Direct.

Joel Nordman - Sep 16, 2023
Freda Branch

Drove Sprinter Van (No 4WD) to end of road at Skwim Trailhead

Joel Nordman - Jul 15, 2023
40-5, AMD 19

Very overgrown but passable with a deep enough snow pack

Francis Bailey - Mar 02, 2024
Izman Creek FSR

The road was covered in snow from the start but we didn’t note any abnormalities under the snow pack. It didn’t appear too overgrown and there were ju...

Francis Bailey - Mar 02, 2024
Botanie Creek Road

Plowed up to the recreation site at the lake and easily driven by 2WD. This road serves all the residential houses along the valley but just happens t...

Francis Bailey - Mar 02, 2024

Couple bushes growing in up here but still good AWD road.

Matt Juhasz - Feb 29, 2024
Coleman Area CR302

This road is in flawless shape. No gates, no waterbars, no washouts, no bush. I parked at 3km and walked but it can be AWD driven right to the summit....

Matt Juhasz - Feb 29, 2024

I think it’s mostly paved. I had an inch of snow so can’t bank on it but the road was super smooth.

Matt Juhasz - Feb 29, 2024
Fountain Valley 5

We only drove up a hundred meters or so, but the road looks in great condition down the power lines.

Francis Bailey - Feb 24, 2024
Town Creek FSR

Road was gated at the beginning and that appears to be the case for almost anyone taking this route. The road seemed driveable until a pull down aroun...

Francis Bailey - Feb 09, 2023
M500 Branch

[From Duffy Jimmie] - easily walkable and maybe driveable with pinstripes to the 500m mark. Afterwards quite overgrown

SWBC Peak Baggers - Feb 24, 2024
Morris Mainline

[From Duffy Jimmie] - Road was good condition for a fsr (4x4 or any 4wrd vehicle will make higher up) and if you don't mind pinstriping you vehicle, ...

SWBC Peak Baggers - Feb 24, 2024
Pink Mountain FSR

[From Robert Hergott] - Roads were in great condition, light traffic, and with low snow levels, we made it to about 1 km from the repeater station at ...

Francis Bailey - Feb 04, 2024