Road Bulletins

R13144 SEC.06

Parked near road terminus, a few water bars that benefit from moderate clearance.

Steven Noel - Aug 06, 2022
Quinn-Blackfoot Connector

Good shape, a few small water bars.

Steven Noel - Aug 06, 2022
Blackfoot Creek FSR

Good shape, a few small water bars. Probably 2WD passable.

Steven Noel - Aug 06, 2022
Tipella Creek 900

Fully overgrown, boulders, old growth deadfall. Impassible on 4x4, ATV, and motorbike. Bushwhack on foot Class III/IV bushwhack

John Lloyd - Apr 06, 2024
Sampson Creek West Mainline

Some debris on road, lots of alder and bush in sections, driveable to end in High clearance AWD, paint job ruined. Not recommended unless 4x4 high cl...

John Lloyd - May 27, 2023
Elk Creek FSR

Major washout rendering it impassable on a side-by-side at 2km.

Steven Noel - Jul 04, 2023
White-Rock FSR

Some rough spots requiring moderate clearance to the Elk FSR turnoff at 11km.

Steven Noel - Jul 04, 2023
Whiteswan FSR

Drove the road easily in 2WD to ~44km and turned onto the North White Swan FSR. Have previously (Aug 2019) connected the whole length to the Bull Rive...

Steven Noel - Jul 04, 2023
Old Cascade Highway

Hey, you like views, low traffic, random rec sites, and babbling brooks? Well this is the road for you. Seems to be semi-regularly graded. Double gree...

Tim K - Sep 17, 2023
Kishinena Creek FSR

Good condition lower down. Disuse becomes more apparent higher up until we turned around at a moderate washout around km 33.

Steven Noel - May 14, 2023
Akamina Creek FSR

Hike the road from km 3-5. Extensive blowdown. Cannot comment above or below those kms, but suspect the same.

Steven Noel - Oct 31, 2021
Akamina Creek North FSR

Hiked the road over extensive blowdowns and marshes--maybe suitable for a mountain bike.

Steven Noel - Oct 31, 2021
Flathead Sage FSR

Good condition lower down. Road becomes increasingly grown in with overhanging alders in upper section, expect paint damage. Turned around at an unbri...

Steven Noel - May 14, 2023
Kid Creek FSR

Descended after coming up the Moyie FSR over the pass. Mostly good shape with a few potholes to dodge.

Steven Noel - Oct 08, 2022
Moyie River FSR

Good condition lower down, gets rougher as you get closer to height of land in the 23-36km range. Managed in a stock Forester with slow driving and mo...

Steven Noel - Oct 08, 2023
Teepee Creek Main

Good shape, a few potholes.

Steven Noel - Sep 25, 2022
Yahk Main

Good condition to 10km only--turned onto the Teepee FSR there and cannot comment on conditions further south.

Steven Noel - Sep 25, 2022
Cross River FSR

Good condition to km18 where we turned onto the Cross-Mitchell. Cannot comment above.

Steven Noel - Jul 15, 2023
Cross-Mitchell FSR

Easy driving, a few potholes--well maintained.

Steven Noel - Jul 15, 2023
Aurora Creek FSR

Managed in 2WD low clearance to parking at ~4.5km. Bridge decking is deteriorating and a few small water bars are present. Walked the last 1km to 5.5k...

Steven Noel - Jul 14, 2023
Sullivan Mainline

Road rehabilitated and closed in the early 2000s with several key bridges removed preventing even foot access up the valley. Gated and grown in as of ...

Steven Noel - Sep 12, 2023

Fair condition (some rutted and muddy spots, recent logging) to ~km 7 and the termination of the active road at waters edge. Road turning and heading ...

Steven Noel - Sep 12, 2023

Relatively recent logging, some muddy and rutted spots. Passable in most vehicles with moderate clearance.

Steven Noel - Sep 12, 2023
Sullivan River FSR

Generally good condition (some potholes etc) except for the recent removal of a culvert over Caribou Creek (~km 40) requiring a modest ford in Septemb...

Steven Noel - Sep 12, 2023
Icefall Main

Mountain biked the road, carrying bikes over ~10 major washouts on the W aspect of Arras Mt. Someone had seemingly made it up with a quad not long bef...

Steven Noel - Jul 24, 2023

Good condition to the major washout at ~11.5km. Major washouts at 11.5 and beyond render it impassable beyond this point, we continued by mountain bik...

Steven Noel - Jul 24, 2023
Mashiter Creek FSR

[From Ryan Clinton] - A few weeks ago we went up Alice Ridge to Diamond head, this is a good alternative to going via Elfin lakes. Not necessarily sho...

SWBC Peak Baggers - Apr 21, 2024
North Creek East - Sampson Connector

[From Brian Sheffield] - I headed up to North Creek to do some brush cutting on the road, but the bottom 3 km was badly impacted by the rain events of...

SWBC Peak Baggers - Apr 24, 2024
Abby Ridge FSR

This is the Abby Ridge FSR, it is designated non motorized

Greg Jones - Jun 19, 2023
Crossing Creek FSR

This is a popular ATV/OHV road

Greg Jones - Apr 25, 2024