Road Bulletins


Great condition, mostly well groomed between the highway and Gaspard Creek Rd.

Stephen Bunyak - Jun 30, 2024

Well groomed, very wide. Lots of work signage, so be aware of heavy trucks in the area.

Stephen Bunyak - Jun 30, 2024
Bridal Falls FSR

A reactivation and deactivation project for this FSR and some overgrown spurs starts Monday July 8th 2024 and goes until the end of August 2024. The r...

OSM Editor - Jul 06, 2024
Cogburn Creek Branch 2510

Easily drove to the end, did not find the washouts to be particularly challenging or sketchy. Maybe they have been improved since previous reports? SU...

Sean Caulfield - Jul 05, 2024
Cogburn Creek Branch 2500

In good condition to the junction before KM3.5 where I turned left leaving this road. Did not explore beyond. Thanks to Andrew for clearing the trees ...

Sean Caulfield - Jul 05, 2024
Cogburn Creek FSR

Gate open despite old sign stating that it would be locked at 3pm daily (I passed through well after 3pm). Couple of spots where there has been some m...

Sean Caulfield - Jul 05, 2024
Downton Creek FSR

4 barricades now, and some deck boards pulled. There are some planks stretched out for bikes/dirt bikes to get across. After the bridge the road is fi...

Ben Eby - Jun 01, 2024
Laluwissin Mountain FSR

Has a couple water bars that might stop a car, any SUV or 4x4 will have no problem to the top

Ben Eby - Jul 01, 2024
Laluwissin Creek FSR

2wd the whole way, generally good condition. Usually lots of washboards heading up the hill on the Fraser River side

Ben Eby - Jul 01, 2024
Spetch Creek FSR

Several deep water bars and washed out sections. Drove to trailhead in lifted 4Runner

Matt Lum - Jun 29, 2024
Airplane Creek FSR

I barely made it to the Baby Munday trailhead with a stock Jeep Rubicon, with the front sway bar disconnect engaged. Lockers weren't needed. Vehicles ...

James Gu - Jul 04, 2024
Airplane Creek FSR

Update with picture

James Gu - Jul 04, 2024
Texas Creek FSR

Drive to the new gate in a Tacoma. Biked up almost to molybdenite lake. Even if the gate was open the 7k slide would stop any vehicle.

Closed indef...

Ben Eby - May 06, 2024

Drove as far as the big sheep mountain road (13k). It was easy going. A few potholes and a few rocks but well graded, smooth and fast. Still lots of l...

Ben Eby - Jul 02, 2024
Sheep Mountain West FSR

Road is generally good, a few deep grass filled ditches from pulled culverts. Drove to 1715m on the RH fork spur, then backtracked and parked at the f...

Ben Eby - Jul 02, 2024

From where this road forks off of the Maselpanik fsr we were able to drive it 1.7km to where a bridge is out as shown in the pic below. They look to ...

Alan Blair - Jul 01, 2024

They have finished logging up there for now so they have put in some pretty wide water bars and then the further you go shorter deeper ones. We we...

Alan Blair - Jul 01, 2024
Airplane Creek FSR

Drove to ~500m in a Subaru Crosstrek and there's a nice pullout. Leading up to that spot was a section of looser and steep rock, with one tricky spot...

Chantelle Chan - Jul 01, 2024
Sts'ailes West FSR

Not much to add on top of the previous reports. Littered with potholes and heavily trafficked. Nothing that a 2wd couldn't handle up to Chehalis-Myste...

Heath Anderson - Jun 30, 2024
Chehalis-Mystery FSR

Wow this road is in excellent shape. I drove from km 0 to the intersection with Mystery Creek Branch 8100. In some spots I think you could mistake it ...

Heath Anderson - Jun 30, 2024
Mystery Creek Branch 8100a

I did not drive this road, just sharing a photo a took as I was driving by. Looks like you can get through if you don't mind driving over some alder b...

Heath Anderson - Jun 30, 2024
Upper Chehalis River FSR

This road is rough. I drove it north to south where I came across several steep and deep ditches and a massive washout at the end. Before the washout ...

Heath Anderson - Jun 30, 2024
Mystery Creek Branch 8100

Not much to add on top of Francis's last report. Road is in the same condition more or less. Trench still filled in with the rock and no downed trees ...

Heath Anderson - Jun 30, 2024
Foley Creek FSR

up until Foley Lake, it is 2WD/low-mid clearance accessible with some careful driving -- saw a Tesla Model 3 that managed to drive up there without an...

Logan Steinberg - Jul 01, 2024
Blowdown Creek Branch 2

There were more tire tracks going up this road than the blowdown road so I assume it is in decent shape.

Martin Ortmayr - Jun 29, 2024
Sheep Creek FSR

Road is in good shape but has water bars / deactivation a requiring high clearance.

CJ Hendriks - Jun 30, 2024

Road is in good shape but has some deep water bars / deactivation a so a high clearance vehicle is recommended.

CJ Hendriks - Jun 30, 2024

Very overgrown. Deep water bars. Technical sections. Trail is designed for ATV. Not full size friendly.

CJ Hendriks - Jun 30, 2024

Road is in good AWD condition to the spur at 50.37004,-122.19513 (10.7km). The avalanche debris mentioned in the Oct 2023 bulletin is still there but...

Martin Ortmayr - Jun 29, 2024
Cogburn Creek Branch 2510

Road generally okay. A few small creeks/washes that must be driven through over fairly level stones. Any SUV or Truck will be fine.

Significant dea...

Alex Barker - Jun 29, 2024