Road Bulletins


In amazing condition right now. Much better than the last time I drove, it was a bonafide highway.

Francis Bailey - Jul 14, 2024
Sts'ailes West FSR

Drove this road end to end from north to south. The northern portion from Tipella Creek to Bremner is pretty crap for a mainline road. There are numer...

Francis Bailey - Jul 14, 2024
Mystery Creek Branch 8100

Same shape as Heath's report. We decided to bike in just before the huge, partially filled in, ravine. Worth it to save the truck for another mission

Francis Bailey - Jul 14, 2024
Chehalis-Mystery FSR

Still in fantastic shape as per Heath's report although we only drove to the 8km mark

Francis Bailey - Jul 14, 2024
Eagle Creek FSR

The road is in the same state as I reported last time only this time we did the last portion without snow cover. The final stretch after ~3.75km (wher...

Francis Bailey - Jul 14, 2024

Drove to the end. No better or worse than last year. Need 4WD/AWD for the climb up and some decent clearance to get past the waterbars without scrapin...

Tim Argast - Jul 13, 2024
Williamson Lake FSR

The road hasn't deteriorated since the last update in 2022, but it remains in very poor condition. A high-clearance 4x4 vehicle is essential to reach ...

Anton Gerasimov - Jul 13, 2024
Walt Lake FSR

Steep and loose road for about 2.2km, then have to park if you make it this far. I walked from bottom.

Jason Addy - Jul 07, 2024
Shannon Creek FSR

Just adding on the report below, as there was some uncertainty expressed -- yesterday attempted to go for Mt Habrich, but the road was blocked by some...

Logan Steinberg - Jul 12, 2024
Chehalis FSR

The gate right after the bridge is still locked as of July 10, 2024

Kevin Ye - Jul 10, 2024
Big Sheep Mountain Road

See my report from: 131.200A & B, AMD 32

This road is overgrown down lower but surprisingly good higher up, With some chainsaw work you could like...

Ben Eby - Jul 01, 2024
North Kwoiek Creek FSR

0 stars, don't recommend!
Only slightly better than bushwacking completely, only saving grace is its a flat roadbed still. There is no easy way to cr...

Ben Eby - Jul 09, 2024

Driveable with high clearance and AWD. Had to move some rocks to pass, but was able to drive to the end.

Josiane Begin - Jul 09, 2024
BUSH 122

Driveable, high-clearance and AWD are best. Had to move some rocks from the road but overall ok condition.

Josiane Begin - Jul 09, 2024
Bush River FSR

Excellent condition, 2WD driveable until km 95. Then it becomes overgrown, but still driveable if you do not care about your paint. Bridge is removed ...

Josiane Begin - Jul 09, 2024
Tamihi Creek FSR

Still heavily potholed, took us almost an hour to drive the 14 or so km in a stock Xterra.

The impasse on this published map doesn't seem to exist...

Darin Riedel - Jul 09, 2024
Tamihi Creek FSR

road is heavily potholed. not a problem for crossovers or better, but just slows you down

some point along the east-west section is a deep water ba...

Tareef Dedhar - Jul 07, 2024

Blocked around 5 km.
Some road improvement is going on beyond that - previous washouts and rock slides and mostly flattened.
New bypass at 11 km was...

Oleg Ku - Jul 07, 2024

(As a note, I think this road should be split up in two sections from the main road up. 0-7.5k, and then reset at 0 going up the mountain) I did not p...

Stephen Bunyak - Jun 30, 2024
Jesmond Creek FSR

Small puddles from the days on and off rain. Otherwise easily driven.

Stephen Bunyak - Jun 30, 2024
Jesmond Road

Just some informational signage at the beginning of the road

Stephen Bunyak - Jun 29, 2024
Thompson Falls FSR

Grader was working between Km 6-10 today. Very dusty. Active hauling currently ongoing, so be sure to be on the radio RR25.

Neil Sc - Jul 08, 2024
Collie Creek FSR

Bridge over Collie CK at KM 10.9 has been removed. No vehicle crossing possible, after the jct where Amiskwi branches off, water bars become much more...

Neil Sc - Jul 08, 2024
Kwoiek Creek FSR

Kwoiek fsr is in decent shape all the way to about 1km past Kwoiek lake. My stock 4x4 chevy blazer made it there with no issues except pinstriping in ...

Graham Clarke - Jul 06, 2024
Roe Creek FSR

Up to the washout at roughly 2.8km the road is fine with a couple easily passable cross ditches. After the washout to R200 there are some deeper cross...

Karl Strathearn - Jul 06, 2024
Garnet Creek FSR

According to post in the 4WDABC Facebook group there is a locked gate near the entrance off of Highway 7 and a new unofficial looking sign posted that...

OSM Editor - Jul 07, 2024
Query Creek FSR

Logging company has been plowing the road with a bulldozer to open it up. Washouts have been fixed. Deep and loose soil currently so 4x4 recommended u...

CJ Hendriks - Jul 07, 2024
Jesmond Road

No changes from the previous update. Still a good, wide road. Appears to be for cattle trucks. Keep an eye open for large trucks at times.

Stephen Bunyak - Jun 29, 2024
Pavilion-Clinton Road

No change from the previous update below. Road is paved from the north end of Kelly lake to Clinton

Stephen Bunyak - Jun 29, 2024
Meadow Lake Road

Very smooth. Few pot holes along the way, but far and few.

Stephen Bunyak - Jun 30, 2024